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Sunday Drive
Sunday Drive
Saturday night DH decides he would like to get out of town and go for a nice long drive on Sunday. He asked if I'd like to accompany him and I said sure. Then he tells me he wants to head north towards the Courtenay/Comox area. He says there are yarn shops there and as I begin to think what a sweetheart he is he informs me that they are all closed on Sundays. WTF? Why did he bring it up if they're not even open?
Sunday dawns foggy, cold and damp. I dress accordingly in wool socks, ugly walking shoes, comfortable pants and a nice baggy sweater. In deference to going out in public, I also wear my bra. DH says we will have lunch somewhere when we get to our destination. Just eight km south of Courtenay he pulls into The Kingfisher Resort & Spa.

His mother would have loved this place. It was a real classy joint. After wandering for a bit (this place is huge) he swallowed his pride and asked for directions to the restaurant.

We had their Sunday Brunch that cost more that our Anniversary dinner.

Dressed as I was I felt more like one of the custodial staff rather than a dining patron. My clothes may not have been as nice or expensive but at least I had the courtesy to allow people to leave the buffet area before I barged on through the doorway. I also have enough manners to cover my mouth when I cough instead of spewing phlegm ten metres in all directions. There are some people you can dress up but you still can't take them out. Anyway, the food was fabulous and we stuffed ourselves silly.

After lunch we continued to drive around. DH frowned on my knitting when there was scenery to look at so I stashed my needles in my knitting bag and looked out the window. Oh look! Trees. We turned onto another road. Oh look! More trees.

DH was trying to get to the sunny side of a lake but the pavement ended and he drove for about 15 minutes (in my new black Ford Fusion) over mud filled potholes and rocks before finally turning around and promising me he'd take the car in for a wash. We had driven the slow route north. Oh look! Trees. We drove the slow route back. Oh look! More trees and then I fell asleep. DH had a nice relaxing day and I arrived home with a headache and a sore back.
posted on Mar 7, 2011 1:14 PM ()
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