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Travel > Part 1 What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Part 1 What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Sunday, August 17, 2008

We thought we were doing so well. Except for the ice chest and the clothes we planned to wear the next day, everything and I do mean EVERYTHING was packed and loaded into the back of my 22 year old Toyota with the gimpy windows. We got into bed about 11:00pm and I had just dozed off, around 11:30, when I was jolted awake by the God awful racket. I rolled over and settled into a light sleep when it happened again. It sounded like eight to ten gun shots in fairly rapid succession and I was wide awake now and I knew exactly what and who it was. The family two houses up the street had been redoing their roof for the past three days and the whole neighbourhood was very familiar with the sound of their nail gun. They had a spot light up on their roof and were working feverishly to finish as much as possible before the rain started. They finally stopped at midnight but I lay in bed waiting for the next volley of nails until 12:20am. I think I calmed down enough to fall asleep by 12:45am. My only consolation was that the "early to bed, early to rise", ignorant Dog Lady and Bob the Builder would also have been roused from a sound slumber.

Update on the Neighbour's Roof:
As of Saturday, August 23rd the roof is still not finished.

posted on Aug 23, 2008 9:25 PM ()


Until midnight? Yikes! I can understand it if the roof isn't finished... gee, I remember my father burning the midnight oil to get things finished and his job required using power tools and hammers and such. But, it is still trying on the nerves of others, like you who are trying to sleep.
comment by donnamarie on Sept 17, 2008 7:25 PM ()
Oh, honey, most folks do the best the can. It's just that their best isn't much good. I think a nail gun at midnight is a bit overboard. In a way, I don't blame them. having water in your house is No Fun! Bur have a little concern for the people around you before you commence making noise at midnight. What a pain in the patootie!
comment by thestephymore on Aug 26, 2008 3:51 AM ()
Good God! What is wrong with folks?
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 25, 2008 1:36 PM ()
Yes, welcome back!! So the guy woke you up in the middle of the night but didn't finish the job during the DAYS that followed? I'm not surprised! Waiting for details of the trip (and pics)!!
comment by sunlight on Aug 24, 2008 3:33 PM ()
hope what you did was fun.Stop knitting around.
Oh!what do I know.Live it up girl and let your hair down.
You do have hair don't you
comment by fredo on Aug 24, 2008 1:58 PM ()
I assume there is more to follow concerning the vacation, right? Glad to have you back.
comment by jerms on Aug 24, 2008 5:28 AM ()
Oh my--this to go along with those crazy calls that you used to get--remember? Have a good Sunday-you need it after Mr. Nail Gun.
comment by angiedw on Aug 24, 2008 2:43 AM ()

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