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Part 3 What I Did on My Summer Vacation
Part 3 What I Did on My Summer Vacation
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
We slept in and relaxed, then headed over to Tim Horton's with the free breakfast coupon's, courtesy of The Cedar Inn. After breakfast we toured the quaint, little shops in Molly's Lane and I found myself a lovely, little ring with butterflies around the band. I subsequently discovered it changes colour depending on the intensity of light it's exposed to.

Blue, green, teal and purple butterfly ring
The 'yarn shop' turned out to be a very tiny corner in one of the souvenir shops. Nothing caught my eye and I left all the little balls undisturbed. We had a quick flit through the museum but couldn't stay too long as the Tylenol's four hour limit was up and I was starting to ache again. We headed back to the Inn, ate lunch in our room and waited for the next dose of Tylenol to kick in. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds so we drove around checking out the local beaches and drooling over the fabulous and pricey waterfront homes.

One of the beaches we visited along the Sunshine Coast. See the stick in my hand? It's the only thing holding me up.

Another beach. DH made a new friend.
We arrived back at the Inn in time for DH's 6 o'clock news and then it was back to Molly's Reach for fish and chips, ice tea and blueberry cake with cream cheese frosting for supper. I was utterly exhausted and slept like a log. The next day the Gibson's Fibre Arts Festival was to begin. I felt like a five year old on the night before Christmas.
posted on Aug 26, 2008 12:50 PM ()
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