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New Neighbours to Complain About
New Neighbours to Complain About
While I was busy staining the fence, last week, a pick up truck full of furniture kept passing by, in the lane. The new neighbours (the house behind the Dog Lady) were moving in. I was getting a bit worried as we hadn't seen or heard them since then and DH told me he had heard it was a retired couple. Well, I needn't have worried as this morning at 6:30 I was woken up by a volley of ear piercing whistles and the considerate new neighbour hollering, "GET UP!" which, of course, set the Dog Lady's beasts yapping up a storm. Yes, I must say, the new neighbours are fitting into this neighbourhood quite nicely.
**Is the sarcasm too subtle?
posted on Sept 25, 2008 12:18 PM ()
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