I finally found a new Noisy Stuffed Toy On A Stick for the kitties to play with. Since they destroyed the noise maker in Tweety Mouse they no longer consider it a worthy plaything. I've been looking for a replacement for almost a year.
Angel was tickled pink to have something to sink her claws and teeth into.
She was pretty keen on the cat nip inside the blue octopussy too.
Peaches, however, was not too impressed at being woken from his afternoon nap by the Noisy Stuffed Toy On A Stick.
posted on Sept 13, 2008 4:40 PM ()
Cute and fun. I enjoyed the post and the beautiful picture of your cats.
Such pretty cats. Mine needs new toys.
hiya marg how ya goin lovely cats yes if ya give them toys they dont touch furniture hows your knitting going