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Iniatially' Speaking from Augusta
Iniatially' Speaking from Augusta
Take the first initial of your username and see if you can complete the following:
(Copy and Paste to your own post)
1. A (wild) animal: Musk Ox
2. A (domestic) animal: Malamute
3. A Fruit: Mango
4. A color: Magenta
5. A car model: Morris Minor
6. A Country: Madagascar
7. A vegetable: Mustard greens
8. A song: Maggie Mae
9. A river: Mackenzie River
10. A recipe: Macaroni and Cheese
11. A movie: Men in Black
12. A book: Murder on the Orient Express
13. A Composer: Mozart
14. A Sport: Motocross
15. A name: Maria
16. A musical: My Fair Lady
17. A ballet: I'm stumped?????
18. An artist: Monet
19. An author: Lucy Maud Montgomery
20. A plant: Marigold
posted on Feb 6, 2011 12:15 PM ()
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What was last night like? Hope you both had an excellent time