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I'm a Grandma
I'm a Grandma
seven times over. Danika was born this morning at 11:42 and weighed in at a petite, compared to her brothers, 8 lb 2 oz. I can't wait to see her. Mother and daughter are doing fine. I expect I'll hear all the gory details when I go to visit. I have another 30 minutes to wait as visiting hours don't start until 2:00. I was thinking of spreading all the pink knitting I've done out over the living room and then lie in wait for DH to come home. I'll wait until seconds after he walks into the living room and from the bedroom I'll scream, "Don't go in the living room!" but I don't think that would go over too well and I don't want to spoil Danika's Birthday. I'll go phone him now and let him know he's a grandpa seven times over.
I'll post some pictures ASAP.
posted on Oct 16, 2008 2:19 PM ()
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