Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > Relationships > Outhouse


I had this friend who I once really cared for until she proved that by being her friend you had to be a captive audience.

After a couple years of blogging and being her online friend I met some new friends I liked equally as much but she was constantly bickering with them, bashing them, telling me to take them off my friends list as if this would be a way to really hurt them.

For a while I did what she said, I would take them off my friends list and put them back on at her whimsy because I felt so honored to be her friend, the best friend of such a good Christian woman. I did not understand then that her whimsy was dependent upon whether or not she took her medication.

The last time she added these people back to her friends list then asked me again to take them all off again because they disagreed with her, I refused because it was the right thing to do because no matter how many times I took them off and put them on my friends list they still remained my friends.

Funny thing is when I refused to take them off, yet again; she took me off her friends lists and sent me ugly e-mails telling me that because I was friends with them, because I was “two-faced” God was unhappy with me and that was why I had so much turbulence in my life. It never could have been life happening as it always does, no matter who your friends are.

She would tell me she was complaining to blogster about me or them and would have me, us, them banned because of us harassing her when we never did anything but defend ourselves as I am doing now.

So I joined MyBloggers, where I sent her a letter to cease and desist harassing me in e-mail and also sent a warning letter to blogster about her behavior before I returned to blogging there under a new name. I quit blogging there because of her continued harassment.

She did quit harassing me in e-mail however it did not prevent her from writing about me, yet again, on both sites.

She has this habit of writing blogs about me, like I am doing now, without ever mentioning names. Yet divulging enough of my personal life that anyone who knows me and my blogging knows exactly who I am. After I address her concerns I will move on to exactly how I feel about her.

I never sent you any harassing e-mails unless you count the final cease and desist notice. If they are so harassing please feel free to post them in chronological order including your own e-mails.

My child is none of your concern and ceased being so when we ended our friendship but since you are so concerned he has been doing wonderful since the move. He has had nothing but praise in school keeping in mind he is still at the same school. There was nothing that needed to be done for my child that a little growing up did not accomplish coupled with a general improvement of our living situation. All children have their issues as I know you too are finding out. So let’s move on, you know nothing of my life so keep you bulbous nose out of it.

Now if you want to address immature behavior in adults would you not consider continually writing posts about me while not using my name immature? Do you really want my attention that much?

I am now going to move on to you. I do not like you nor do I wish to have anything to do with you or your family in the future. Apparently you could not figure that out months ago and seem to think I am somehow pining away for your friendship, please do not project your own feelings on me

You talked about discipline and responsibility? You who does not work because you have a limp? People with no legs work in spite of not even having legs and I do work. You are a lot luckier than they are and decided to sit on your fat rump.

I am not going to leave out your fat rump when we are talking about discipline, sure some of your “illnesses”, though I imagine many of them to be in your head, can cause weight gain but you are ultimately morbidly obese because of what you put in your mouth. You eat like a bird you say? I am sure you do as birds eat what about six times their body weight.

I will answer to my God in the end for my behavior as will you because the Bible says “Your body is your temple” wonder what he will think when he sees you have turned it into an outhouse.

Please take your medication and leave me and mine off your blogs.

posted on Nov 6, 2008 5:45 PM ()


Boy am I getting on this train last!
comment by teacherwoman on Nov 17, 2008 10:39 AM ()
Oh Gosh.. I am so "behind" the times. I just got "wind" of all that's going on... lol.

Mary, have whoever you WANT on your "friends" list. None of their business (that's your list).. however, if you listen to anything "Busymidmichmom" says, I'd question your sanity.

Mary.. I like both you and Jenn. I kinda think this is "petty" between you both. I am not taking "sides".. I just hope you can work it out.

I did write more about my thoughts on "Jenn's" blog. So rather then repeat.. check if you want.

Take care Mary.. Personally I think your doing GREAT!

comment by coincutter on Nov 16, 2008 8:37 PM ()
Mary, I've never seen your stronger than you are today. You have truly blossomed into something to be proud of. I think you're fabulous!
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 12, 2008 2:20 PM ()
I am proud of you. This person is irresponsible and just spews hatred. Some people just can't tolerate differences of opinion. I am in your corner Mary.
comment by elderjane on Nov 11, 2008 6:22 AM ()
I think I have only "one" person I am pissed at on "MyBloggers" That's my second wife "Debbie" (Busymidmichmom).

I really don't hate her, but I kinda want her to "work" with me on a divorce. She won't..

I always say what I think. So I say, she is the MOST mean minded hurtful bioutch I know. I am sure you all (who read this) know me a tad.. Have I ever said it about "anyone else"? Nope.. I ALWAYS call how I see.. and I ain't starting chit with her. But if she wants to go into it (she been blogging) I have no problem.

Oh.. by the way,, "How have you been Mary"?
comment by coincutter on Nov 7, 2008 7:32 PM ()
Great, well deserved blog Mary! From the outside, this was apparent for a while. But I'm glad you've finally realized what's going on. It's sad that she needs meds, but life goes on. I take 6 meds a day. It's irresponsible and hurts not only her but everyone she lashes out at when she doesn't take them.
comment by firststarisee on Nov 7, 2008 12:39 PM ()
I loved the video.Am I still on the friend list.Think that she is a jealous person.
My body is like a temple.No wonder I have so m any vistors.
Oh!what do I know.But do like the music.It Rocks for me.
comment by fredo on Nov 7, 2008 10:27 AM ()
Mary, I am *so* proud of you!

This was unbelievably well written, well thought out and mature and I'm so impressed. I adore you, you know that. (I hope) And I am so thrilled to see this side of you come out into the open..that you finally realize that you ARE quite fantastic and deserve to be treated with respect and consideration and love. You rock, Mary, and you're an inspiration to this Canadian Girl.

And by the way, as someone who is in love with a person with a *real* physical disability who works *full time*, I agree with excuses.
comment by janetk on Nov 7, 2008 7:25 AM ()
My dADDy say "Stick to yer prinsippuls, Ma-ree."
comment by hobbie on Nov 7, 2008 6:29 AM ()
I don't know who it is, but way to go sticking up for yourself
comment by stiva on Nov 7, 2008 6:03 AM ()
I love you mary and you know you will always have my support :P
comment by mmmhollywould on Nov 6, 2008 11:10 PM ()
I read her blog and knew in spite of all her protests and apologies to people (including me, which I ignored)that she hasn't changed, will never change and will ALWAYS try to cause trouble.
The fact that she could/does pick on you AND Kota shows how unchristian she really is.
Trust me she will be writing more about you (and now me) and learn to ignore her because whatever comes out of her mouth (or fingers typing a blog) will not be with love and/or compassion but with the inherent hate within her--realize that she is a very sad person. She will be back spewing more unchristian thoughts. :O(
PS I found it very funny that just awhile back she was boasting about losing 20 pounds yet blames her being fat on her illnesses and that her obesity is out of her control--sure, it is her glands
comment by greatmartin on Nov 6, 2008 7:10 PM ()
Incredible...I'd let her go verses carrying the burden of hate towards someone. They're not worth the emotional turbulence. People like that clearly have serious problems to say the least. I see nothing but genuine compassion fro you Mary. However, sometimes there's a tipping point and things need to be let out...I certainly understand...let's hope they're smart or stable enough to stay away...the best to you!
comment by strider333 on Nov 6, 2008 6:25 PM ()
whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mary! You really wrote a mouth full!! I've never seen you so firm!
comment by cindy on Nov 6, 2008 6:17 PM ()

Gawd. I hope you have finally seen the light and stick to your guns this time... nothing but trouble that one...
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 6, 2008 6:01 PM ()

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