Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Life & Events > Off My Meds

Off My Meds

I have not been blogging too much this week. I thought it would be bad for your health. lol Let me explain. I ran out of my meds last Friday. I didn't realize I had no refills left until I picked the bottles up to go to the pharmacy. It was after hours. I called my doc Monday, she has moved again. But the other doc was going to call it in. Nope he didn't. Then hubby made a minor error. He took out money from our account that was actually waiting for a bill. Sooooo I have been off my meds for a week. First of all Cindy is going to yell at me. You are not supposed to just stop taking these meds. And I see why. Lordy, the thoughts I have had this week. I have been kind of down. Today I just could not focus on anything, I was dropping things, and I broke my printer at work. I have had a headache for 2 days now.
Thankfully, I am going tonight to pick up my meds. I know hubby is very happy about that as I have bitten his head off a few times. The med I take is celexa. I guess its an anti-anxiety, anti-depressant. I am resolved to the fact that I will probably be on this med a very long time. Its all about those chemical imbalances!
There have been good things. Me and Kota went to class Monday and tuesday. We now have our stripes which means we are ready for testing in December!!! So I will be an orange belt. My buddy John was picking on me last night. And Master Reynolds really got a kick out of us. I told John I could not wait to learn my next defensive moves, where I can take him down! I am so glad that I decided to take tae kwon do, it is just so beneficial in so many areas. Lately part of our warm ups has been jogging around the dojang. And I have been able to not only keep up with everyone, but not stop at all to catch my breath! And I can almost do a split!!! The sit ups are still killing me but I have mastered the pushups. It is such a great feeling to see where I am improving and becoming stronger and more flexible. Its also very nice to see the scale continuing to go backwards! My daughter was teasing me the other night. She asked what size shirt I wear. when I told her she said, I think you can go down a size mom, you aren't a large anymore. I can start wearing cute clothes again!!! Not bad for someone who is almost 44 years old.
I also had a good hair day today! LOL You all know how I struggle with this curly mane. Today it just went together perfectly. I had it pulled back in sections with those little clippy things.
I worked 4 hours today but it felt like 12. The Christmas madness has descended on Walmart. I still had alot of laughs though. I told the CSM's, I really want to learn how to do that thing with the register lights like in the commercial. (if you haven't seen it, they show the cashiers flipping their lights on and off in time to Carol of the Bells.)
I am back to making jewelry. Right now I am working on earrings for myself as I seem to have lost all of mine in the move. They will turn up in one of these boxes.

posted on Nov 12, 2008 2:08 PM ()


Glad you doing well with the tae. And I'm on the same stuff (celexa) if I miss more than a day a get squirrelly, so a week... oh my glad your all set with them now.
comment by turftoe331 on Nov 16, 2008 5:17 PM ()
Going off your meds is crazy my friend. Love ya bunches. I need earrings. let me know.
comment by sumkindabich on Nov 13, 2008 2:09 PM ()
Glad that your back on your meds and feeling better. Sounds like your having a blast with the classes. Thanks so much for the e-mail, I appreciate you bunches thinking about me. We're all fine here, have just been busy. But as you can see I'm trying to check in with all my family here on MyBloggers, I miss yall. *hugs tight*
comment by elfie33 on Nov 13, 2008 12:21 PM ()
sounds like everything is taking a positive direction, Mar. glad to hear it.

yer constant pal
comment by honeybugg on Nov 12, 2008 10:51 PM ()
I hope by the time you get my comment that you are back on your meds. I also tried to go off of my anti-anxiety medication and realized I still needed it, which is something I will tell my psychiatrist when I see him next. I loved that commercial about Walmart! I can only imagine how super busy you folks are now and how much more crazy it will get in the coming weeks. Aloha!
comment by hopefields on Nov 12, 2008 9:46 PM ()
oh Lordy Mare... you are right, I won't yell, but I sure don't like to hear about you feeling bad... it scares me. Blood pressure, etc, it effects so many systems.
comment by cindy on Nov 12, 2008 9:12 PM ()
It is not good to skip on your meds, but it happens!
Best of luck on your orange belt exam!
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 12, 2008 7:09 PM ()
2 things--you can/should always order refills of your med(s) 4 days before renewel date--mark it on your calendar just as you mark birthdays, etc. Talk to your doctor about doubling dose--size of pill-- (usually same price!!!) and get pill cutter for a few cents and you will NEVER run out of medicine.
Tomorrow I will talk to my primary about lexapro, celexa, prozac, any medicine that will get me 'up' during day instead of having this drained feeling all day.
comment by greatmartin on Nov 12, 2008 6:14 PM ()
Going off those meds isn't a good thing, as you already know. Just like there are those that have physical chemical imbalances, such as diabetics, there are those that have chemical imbalances that affect us mentally. And there is nothing wrong with having to be on a medication long term. My doctor changed me over to Prozac a few months ago and I feel a world different. And having a good hair day is a great thing too!
comment by busymichmom on Nov 12, 2008 5:48 PM ()
Mary.. if it works for you, I say "Great",, I know it does for some. Luv ya, do what you think is "best", but be cautious also
comment by coincutter on Nov 12, 2008 5:36 PM ()
Gonna be a "Dark Knight here". The reason, both my other kids (Derek and Michelle) have "Autism". Now I watched the how things went. The doctors, schools, and everyone and their brother wanted them on meds. I did for awhile (didn't want too), and can say for a FACT I felt it was not GOOD, it hurt them more. So I began a process of getting them off.. Kinda hard to fight schools and social workers, but I did. TODAY.. both Derek and Michell e are the nicest and kindest kids there are. They needed "understanding" not DRUGS.. and so do YOU! I luv ya Mary, but I do not feel "drugs" are what you need! There may be a "Small" part of society it helps, but not most. Not you!

LUV, Gary
comment by coincutter on Nov 12, 2008 4:50 PM ()
feel better.I know what that's like
comment by firststarisee on Nov 12, 2008 4:05 PM ()
Good for you,a good hair day.I have a bad one every day no hair
You should be off the med on this one.It could be problems there.
Glad that your back on.Take care.[pony tail wish that I kept mine.
comment by fredo on Nov 12, 2008 3:44 PM ()
I'm thinking of cutting my own hair...this dreading business is getting to me. So I envy your good hair day.

I think that Don takes the same thing you do...he says he gets "squirelly" when he goes off of them.
comment by janetk on Nov 12, 2008 3:40 PM ()
If yer takin generics CVS and Wallymart both will give you 3 months for about ten dollars. New policy! Anyway, thets whut DAddy sez.
comment by hobbie on Nov 12, 2008 3:15 PM ()
Sounds like everything is back on track. What a great feeling huh?
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 12, 2008 2:27 PM ()
Sorry to hear that you're off your meds. Yikes. I hope you can get your prescription renewed and be back to normal again soon. Sounds like tae kwon do is doing wonders for you!
comment by mellowdee on Nov 12, 2008 2:15 PM ()
I am glad you have your meds again! I bet it's not too good for you to be on and off of them...
YAY good hair day! I don't have many of those either so we must cherish each one we are blessed with!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 12, 2008 2:11 PM ()

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