Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > How I Have Changed

How I Have Changed

have been thinking lately of how I have changed. It has been more of a
mental change, a total rethinking of my attitude. The past year was
very rough for me, with the ultimate loss of our house. I think losing
the house has been the biggest thing that has changed me. While we were
in the foreclosure process, I was consumed with worry. My every thought
concerned the house and how to save it. I bought the house myself when
I was single, knowing I would soon marry the love of my life. But I did
it all on my own. I was quite proud of myself for purchasing my home, a
new home I had built with choices of interior design. But after 13
years calling this place my home, we lost it. And at first I was
terrified. There was nothing we could have done differently that would
have prevented us from losing our home. Just check out the foreclosure
statistics where you live, or read the sheriff sale's posting in your
newspaper. Its horrifying.

is where the changing comes in. Just days after losing our home, we
found a great place to rent. Its in the same school district for my
son, its closer to my work, and it is twice as big as what we had. At
first, I was waiting for something bad to happen. When you live under
such a dark cloud for so long, you don't really expect good things to
happen. But happen they did. And I started to realize how strong I am
mentally. This was the worse possible event I have lived through. And
not only did I live through it, I feel I became a stronger person for
it. I realized it doesn't matter what you have, it matters who shares
your life with you. To me that would be my husband and children. It
doesn't matter where we live, if we own or rent, we are still together.
I thought to myself, if I make it through that, there is really nothing
that limits what I can achieve. I don't have to let people walk all
over me. I don't need acceptance so bad that I give up my principles to
ensure that acceptance. Sometimes I am shocked myself when I stand up
for myself now. I can remember a time I would have backed down and
conceded to whoever I was dealing with. I am alot happier now also. I
find myself smiling alot and having people comment on happy I am. I
don't even have to say anything, they can just tell how happy I am.
This might not be the direction I thought my life would go, but I can
honestly say I like these changes. When I hear someone say something
derogatory about me, I have to wonder, what is their motivation?
Sometimes the person is simply having a bad day and I can excuse that.
We all have bad days. There was a time when words would hurt me deeply
and I would withdraw into myself. I would think, this person wouldn't
say that if it wasn't true. I would doubt myself and my intentions.
Now, I see clearly. I know who I am and I know what is in my heart.
Words do not hurt me so much anymore. Because they are simply words. If
it conflicts with what I know about myself, I totally discount the
words. I will no longer question myself or my feelings. I know who I am
and I know what my life is about.

laugh more now. I find amusement in many things. I laugh at myself and
the goofy things I do. Believe me, I do many goofy things in the course
of a day.

I had a customer, he was obviously mad and I was getting ready to go on
break. I had already turned out my light when he got in my line. I
calmly said, Sir I am closing. He started waving his hands and said he
was not going in HIS line because he has his head up his ass. I told
him OK, I will ring you up. When I was finished with him he thanked me
for being courteous. I told him I was glad I didn't have my head up my
ass because I didn't think I would like the view. He laughed. And he
said to me, you took my bad mood, my anger and turned it completely

posted on Nov 9, 2008 2:06 PM ()


This completely warms my heart. I'm overjoyed for you Mary.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 12, 2008 2:24 PM ()
Good for you!
comment by anacoana on Nov 12, 2008 7:06 AM ()
You are good person. There is an old saying about if you have lemons you need to make lemonade. It sounds like you have made 5 gallons or so.
comment by grumpy on Nov 11, 2008 9:45 AM ()
Maybe my advice isn't the best. But it's always real. I think Mary, you need to get to a point, where you can accept. Don't sit and worry if your gonna lose your home (going well now, but this for future), don't worry about anything! Just do what you feel the best in (any instance), do what you can. If you suddenly realize there is nothing more you can do.. then let whatever happens happen. Stress is far worse then whatever may happen.

I been through alot really. Maybe I had to go through all I did, to not 'worry'. I don't worry. I just 'deal' with whatever comes up. At times, I slept in a ditch.. times I bought a nice house. Always changes... I have lived on a rollercoaster forever...

your a great person Mary... don't worry so much. karma,, always comes back. hen your down, it will come up....


comment by coincutter on Nov 10, 2008 6:49 PM ()
your right mary. i lived a bad life for 16 years and thought that was the way life was supposed to be. its not, i divorced lived on my own for 4 years and thing were pretty good. proved everybody wrong. i could make it on my own and didn't have to be controlled by anybody. now days i am happy most days and i control my life. well ok the 5 month old twins control it. lol
comment by butterfly1969 on Nov 10, 2008 6:49 PM ()
I think you have really grown this year, Mary.
comment by redimpala on Nov 10, 2008 5:39 PM ()
Sometimes it takes an earth-shattering event for us to realize what REALLY is important in life, and possessions aren't anywhere near the top of that list!
comment by hayduke on Nov 10, 2008 12:15 PM ()
I think you are a very special person. If I had been in your shoes, would I have emerged so good? Only God knows. As I have always said God knows how much we can stand. My "trial" was with a son and I hope ;I am okay. At least I have quit grieving. Nena
comment by nenah on Nov 10, 2008 7:11 AM ()
Oh had me laughing so hard at the comment you made to the have no idea! Comments like that which you made are priceless. How nice of the man to thank you and notice that you were able to ease his tension. I'm still laughing at what you said. You handle things very well! lolYou're a gem.
comment by hopefields on Nov 10, 2008 1:26 AM ()
comment by firststarisee on Nov 9, 2008 11:30 PM ()
We're always being tested with challenges and we have to greet them always as opportunities for growth and turn each one into an accomplishment. I never worry what people really think, as long as we tread moral paths the only thing that matters is what we believe. To live life to impress others, or do things just for acceptance, is putting your happiness in the hands of others...stay around positive people and expect the best always...I'm very happy for you Mary...I really am!
comment by strider333 on Nov 9, 2008 9:58 PM ()
You chose to become stronger and better and not bitter. Best choice; it looks good on you!
comment by busymichmom on Nov 9, 2008 8:58 PM ()
It is funny how sometimes the most horrible things we experience seem to have resulted in something good when we never thought that would be possible. You are such a kind and generous person ... I am not surprised that it worked out for you.
I loved your comment to the customer! I burst out laughing while reading it.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 9, 2008 5:13 PM ()
"I stand up for myself now."

You're a very nice cashier too.
comment by stiva on Nov 9, 2008 4:56 PM ()
What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. Welcome to the world of cast iron!
comment by mzscarlett on Nov 9, 2008 3:00 PM ()
awe - what a great ending to this wonderfully written blog!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 9, 2008 2:49 PM ()
comment by greatmartin on Nov 9, 2008 2:25 PM ()

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