Parenting & Family >
I have The Ten Year Old here today. His mom was some ticked off that she couldn't get today off work too. She had to get the poor kid dressed and on his feet to drag him over here. If I had known he was in such rough shape I would have gone to her house to kid-sit. Right now he is lying on the bed in our guest room watching TV and wishing he could fall asleep until he's all better. He managed to get up on his own to go to the bathroom but he had to call me to help him back to bed as he was feeling sick and dizzy. I don't know if his mom is getting tomorrow off or if he'll be coming here again. He definitely won't be up for school. I purposly haven't mentioned what the surgery was for because he is embarrassed and dosn't want anyone to know.
posted on Apr 24, 2008 2:08 PM ()
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