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Travel > Part 6 What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Part 6 What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Friday, August 22, 2008

Another delicious breakfast. This time we both had the french toast. DH took advantage of the spa and had a massage while I knit. We checked out of Tucker's Inn and headed for the town of Madeira Park. We searched for another yarn shop but it had also gone out of business.We wandered around for a bit then started the 30 minute drive back to Earls Cove. The plan was to eat lunch while waiting in the ferry line up and catch the 3:10 ferry to Powell River but the ferry was running almost an hour late so DH read and I tried to nap.

Leaving Earl's Cove

We got into Powell River about 5:30 and immediately began the search for that night's accommodations. The Beach Acres Resort in Powell River has two room prices, $145.00 and $89.00. The main differences between the rooms, according to the sign, were an Internet connection, air conditioning and a private balcony. Well, we didn't bring our PC with us, it's been fairly cool so there's no need for a/c and who cares if we have a balcony or not; it's just for one night. Needless to say we took the $89.00 room. As soon as DH saw the room he wanted to upgrade but I wouldn't let him. The wooden stairs were rotting, there were exposed wires in the wall heater, a bit of mildew in the bathroom, the carpet looked like it was filthy (Forget vacuuming. It needed a good shampooing.) and I know this sounds really shallow but the bathroom was blue; blue tub, blue toilet and blue sink. How many decades ago did they stop manufacturing blue bathroom fixtures? At least it matched. Turns out there was a balcony, a shared balcony (Don't that make you feel safe!) but we were afraid to go out on it in case it was as old and rotten as the steps. What we weren't told was that the biggest difference between the rooms was the $145.00 rooms were in the new buildings and the $89.00 rooms were in the old as in ancient buildings. We settled in and went for dinner at the Resort's restaurant. WOW! It was classy with a capital C. We both ordered the chicken asiago and it was delectable. So was the nutty praline ice cream for dessert. Then we headed back to the Rat Hole, as we affectionately named our room. We relaxed for a bit and then retired for the night. It's a good thing we didn't upgrade because dinner cost almost as much as the room.

posted on Aug 28, 2008 7:47 PM ()


The rat hole, that sounds rather appropriate. I've stumbled into places like that myself and made the best of it only because it was only for one night, just as in your case. Any longer and I would have to insist on better accommodations even if it had to be elsewhere. The food must have been good because you tend to mention the food you had on the vacation, but you don't always use the words delectable and classy, so I think this might have been a better food day.
comment by donnamarie on Sept 27, 2008 9:21 AM ()
Did you gain weight on your trip? You talk more about the food than the yarn shops.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Aug 28, 2008 10:58 PM ()

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