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Travel > Part 5 What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Part 5 What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tucker's Inn is beautiful. We have a lovely room with TV and private, full bathroom. We share a kitchenette and beautifully decorated living room with one other room. The breakfasts are delectable starting with a fresh fruit plate, juice, toast, coffee and your choice of eggs, waffles, french toast, croissant, oatmeal or cold cereal. DH had an omelet and I had the french toast this morning. After breakfast we headed back to Gibsons to check out the Merchant Mall at the Fibre Fest. I bought myself two skeins of hand dyed wool to knit myself a vest, a 454g/one lb bag of Corriedale (type of sheep) rovings, to practice spinning with and some felting needles (Just what I need, another hobby.). I also found a nice new yarn threader for my spinning wheel.

My treasures

The yarn threader is the dangling hook with the striped wooden handle.

After a Wendy's salad for lunch, we headed back to Sechelt and freshened up before going out for dinner at a local Greek restaurant. I don't care much for Greek food so I ended up ordering the lasagna. The it was back to Tucker's Inn to relax and get some shut eye.

posted on Aug 28, 2008 1:50 PM ()


That's a continental breakfast. I've never been to a B & B that didn't offer a full breakfast. After all, that's what the second B stands for. I think you're enjoying my vacation as much as I did.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 27, 2008 12:44 AM ()
Yeah! You found something you could really enjoy looking at and buying some stuff. I'll bet you loved the purchases you made, so I'm glad you made it to the Merchant Mall. Oh, I would have gladly eaten your share of Greek food. I don't like it all, but I love a lot of it and I would have done just fine. LOL Tucker's sounds really nice, by the way. A lot of B&B's around here only serve juice, tea, and coffee with a choice of muffins, Danish, or similar types of breakfast pastries. Tucker's sounds a lot more generous and it sounds pretty and cozy.
comment by donnamarie on Sept 26, 2008 11:45 PM ()

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