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Good Morning ... Er Afternoon ... Whatever
Good Morning ... Er Afternoon ... Whatever
I'm sitting here eating my eat-it-it's-good-for-you oatmeal. Yuck! This is normal for me. I usually eat my breakfast at lunch time. That way, when any diet conscious soul asks if I eat breakfast I can honestly say, "Yes!" and avoid lecture number 6. It's not like I get up with the chickens and I definitely don't get up before DH leaves for work. As a morning person he's a whirlwind of activity and I, being more of a night owl, schlump from room to room mentally checking off each item on my morning's to do list; bathroom - pee, kitchen - coffee, rec room - knit. It's afternoon now and I'm starting to feel just a little guilty about the unwashed towels and full hamper, the toilets that need to be cleaned, the inch thick dust downstairs, and my neglected craft room where I have yet to make a dent in organizing the mountain of yarn stash. DH was supposed to go out of town for another overnighter but has put that trip off until his migraine subsides. This will be my last 'alone' day until Friday as I'll have The Three Year Old tomorrow and Wednesday and The Ten Year Old will be here on Thursday, recovering from surgery. Well, I guess I'd better get my butt in gear and go scrub some toilets. :o{
posted on Apr 21, 2008 1:03 PM ()
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