Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > Stuffs and Such

Stuffs and Such

Good Friday Morn, MyBloggerstown:
      Once again I am up before the break of day, which should occur here in about an hour or so. I have an appointment to see the doctor next week and mebee he can figure out why I am so tired and fatigued all the time and why the insomnia is back.  I am afraid he is gonna prescribe oxygen and I'll have to be tethered to a tank of air with hoses up my nose all the time. Sheesh. A number of people here at Shady Pines and in Cow Snot in general have oxygen due to the altitude here. We are, at about 6000 feet, higher than Denver which is about 5000 feet..hence the "mile high city".
       The results of the bedbug inspection were as I had predicted. I, personally, have none.  Thank goodness. They are treating the infected apartments and will return next week to re-inspect. My luck they will schedule the re-inspections on the same day as my doctor's apointment. I do not want those people in my house when I am not present. I will just have to re-schedule my apointment if this is the case. 

     Saturday we are having a birthday to-do for my sister-in-law Suffering.  Once again, I was lobbying for a cookout but we are gonna have take out pizza instead, which is also good. I got her a crude, tasteless, lame (but nontheless funny) birthday card which I hope will make her laugh.  The poor girl works her butt off and has to put up with all those shenanigans over at her house. Were I her, I would have run away from home a long time ago.
      Saw on the news where it looks like they finally got that oil leak in the gulf under control. High time. Why didn't they do this in the first place? I really feel for all the fishermen, business people and ordinary citizens who were just getting back on their feet after Huricane Katrina only to have this disaster strike.  I'm glad President Jugears held BP's feet to the fire and made them pony up billions for the cleanup.

Well, guess that's all that's going on here in the land of Bugg. Take care, everyone, and have a good week end.

yer sleepless in Cow Snot pal

posted on July 16, 2010 2:43 AM ()


About the oil leak- USF scientists determined that the dispersants made a lot of the oil settle on the bottom. That is going to be a real problem because that will destroy all of the plankton, etc. The nay-sayers are arguing that the photos and water tests by the university are inaccurate. Good grief! What did they think happened to the millions and millions of gallons of oils leaked into the gulf that were not scooped out?
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 18, 2010 1:57 PM ()
to you!
comment by cindy on Aug 1, 2010 9:48 AM ()
Getting up before daylight would make me tired. My dog wanted to go outside this morning at 5 a.m. She can't get off the bed by herself, so I took both out, and went back to sleep. Sister called after 7 and woke me up.

Hope your appt. with doctor comes out good.

comment by nenah on Aug 1, 2010 7:21 AM ()
No bed bugs, no leaking oil, early to rise...... Life is good. (sarcasm is my middle name.)
comment by solitaire on July 17, 2010 6:29 AM ()
hey, it could be worse.

yer optimistical pessimist pal
reply by honeybugg on July 22, 2010 6:34 AM ()
bloody hell ====up a that ungodly hour ==daylight this time of year around 7am sun up 7.30 i sneak out for the usual widdle piddle and switch the heater on =-then dive back into bed till its war.
Have family strife here, eldest dughter 50 next month has been a pain in the butt for years , more so since cath and i have been married, 14 years now , she has 2 daughters that refuse to acknowledge this, the youngest 20 year old started swearing at cath when i mentioned it to her mother she just said so what do you expect me to do,,
i wrote and told her i wish no more contact ----PEACE AT LAST
comment by kevinhere on July 17, 2010 12:20 AM ()
that's just sad when youngsters have to behave that way. I really didn't care for the guy Mama married after Daddy passed but I tried to treat him decently for Mama's sake. Family dynamics can be strange.

yer it wasn't easy pal
reply by honeybugg on July 17, 2010 2:10 AM ()
I can't get to sleep until near morning, but my reasons are different. Yeah! The leak is capped...for now...heard that it may need to be redone because the pressure under the cap is not what it should be.
comment by dragonflyby on July 16, 2010 4:05 PM ()
getting to sleep, I have no problem. it's getting back to sleep after my "nature call" due to the medication I am on. the doctor gave me some sleeping pills but I try not to take those too often. Well, it is quiet, that's one good thing.

yer bleary eyed pal
reply by honeybugg on July 17, 2010 2:13 AM ()
Whether home or abroad I'm never without my melatonin and sleeping pills. Naps are good too.
comment by nittineedles on July 16, 2010 11:44 AM ()
oh yess....I do love naps. I keep wondering why the kids object so strongly to them.

yer they don't know what's good pal
reply by honeybugg on July 16, 2010 2:44 PM ()
I often have insomnia too. Then I have times when I sleep for eighteen or twenty hours straight. Also have the shortness of breath. Getting older is the pits, what else can I say, Cuz?
comment by redimpala on July 16, 2010 10:07 AM ()
mebee this is somthin' that runs in our fam damily...ya think?

yer along with smelly feet, dandruff, and hemmrohids pal
reply by honeybugg on July 16, 2010 2:42 PM ()
Good luck and hope that you do not have to get on the tank.This is no fun.
Martin up late in the morning.For me half the day is gone.
comment by fredo on July 16, 2010 9:43 AM ()
poor thing! Get some ZZZZ's! I wouldn't want to cart Oxygen around either... I hope that is not the case!
I also heard about the oil leak cap. I hope this time it HOLDS!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 16, 2010 8:30 AM ()
I hope yer breathing gets straight. I have trouble at 525 feet above sea level, but dark chocolate and ale seems to help. Luv ya!
comment by jondude on July 16, 2010 7:18 AM ()
I'm up early for me, too--it is only 10 AM!!!
Had a really heavy storm with a great lightening show about 1 AM this morning--Mother Nature can be beautiful even when being frightening!!!
comment by greatmartin on July 16, 2010 7:06 AM ()
I am sorry that the altitude is causing breathing problems. I have just
been through a bout of insomnia and it is no fun Ms. Bugg.
comment by elderjane on July 16, 2010 7:06 AM ()
I am up early all the time too, about 5am to 5:30. I find it peaceful and kind of relaxing, As long as I don't turn on the news.

A oxygen tank, Nawwwww you don't need that, breathing is over rated if you ask me!!

You got to do what you got to do.
comment by saito56 on July 16, 2010 2:53 AM ()

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