Good Thursday Evening, MyBloggerstown:
I dunno what my deal is. I feel so glum and blue. Mebee its a little post election depression. My guy won but I don't really feel happy about it. The weather has been nice(60's and 70's during the day) but that doesn't cheer me. The whacko that lived upstairs and kept disturbing me is gone for good but, while I'm glad he's gone, I don't feel like rejoycing. And to top it all off, Mr. Bill, the love of my life as you all know, called the other day. Now usually the meer sighting of his name on the caller ID and the sound of his voice will put me on clouds nine, ten AND eleven but I felt nothing. We had a nice chat like we usually do but it just left me hollow. Could I at last be getting over him? I doubt it. I'm still crazy about the asshole. Over the last few weeks I seem to be unable to experience joy. Not that I've had much of an opportunity lately but I could usually find something good to apreciate. Not now though. I'm not really angry about anything either. I just feel all dead inside. If I'm this bad now, imagine what I'll be like when my Seasonal Effective Disorder kicks in later in the winter. It's a mystery, blog pals. I don't know what's going on in the old cabesa. Mebee I should go see another shrink, for all the good it did the first time. I really don't wanna take any pills for this. That'll just make it worse. I hope I get out of these dolldrums soon. This is such a drag.
thanks for listening.
yer down in the dumps pal