To: President-Elect Barack H. Obama, Jr (Jackass- Illinois)
From: Former Poobah Candidate Honey J. Bugg(Who Gives A Shit - West By God Soon To Be Cow Snot)
Dear Mr. President-Elect:
First let me offer my heartfelt congratulations on your hard earned victory. You ran a well diciplined, fairly clean campaign and you are to be commended. My filthy, mybloggers, sweat stained Dodger cap is off to you. It shoulda been me, but whadaya gone do? my old friend Tony S. would say. The people have spoken. Our nation has turned a corner and stepped firmly into the 21st century. You have the hopes of generations of people of color on your skinny soldiers and I sit in awe of the history that's being made.
Now comes the hard part. The Dubya Dumbass Administration is leaving you with a big ol' shitburger ta eat, with the economy in the crapper, high unemployment, two wars raging and a host of other ills. Trust your own judgement but get the opinions of advisors on each side of the situation. Keep a compasionate heart for those who struggle as you yourself did. Don't forget from whence you came.
You've been given the opportunity and you have the ability to enact much needed change in our gub'ment. Run with it. You have my support and council whenever you feel you need it. I am holding my breath waiting on yer call.
(crickets chirping)
Again, my heartiest congratulations and my deepest sympathies to you and your family on the passing of your grandmother.
yer see ya on the campaign trail in four years pal