A sad event to report, my friends. Mrs. Madelyn Dunham, beloved maternal grandmother of presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama passed away early this morning after a prolonged bout with cancer. She was 86. In a statement, Mr. Obama and his sister Ms. Maya Soetoro-Ng, called Mrs. Dunham the cornerstone of their family and a quiet hero. One can only imagine the sadness and heartache the Obama family is going through on the eve of this great event in their lives Its just sad that she went home without knowing wheather or not she helped raise a president. Well, she's in a better place....with her beloved husband Stanley and daughter Ann. I know that all here in MyBloggerstown, even those who did not support Sen. Obama politically will join me in sending out heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the Obama family in this their time of sorrow.
yer feeling for them pal
the grandson making such a big impression on us and knows that he will
be the next President.I know that he will.Loved the man.