Good Sunday Morn, MyBloggerstown:
    I hope all of you have 'amembered to turn yer clocks back. I will here in a bit. That would make it almost 3:30 am here. Insomnia has once again reared it ugly head so I thought I'd hop on line and check my e.mail. To my pleasent surprise I received the following and thought I'd share it with you.
Dear Auntie Bugg:
      Hi!! It's me..Brody/Buddy. Everyone else is sleeping so I snuck into Granddaddy Bubba's office and got on the computer. This one sits on his desk in his "football room". If he finds me in here, he'll be mad so I'll try and be brief. I have so much to tell you.
      As you know, I live with Grandmommy Suffering and Granddaddy Bubba now. Mommy sez I had to because they have this "lease" where they are now and it sez "no dogs". That's mean but whadaya gone do, like this guy named Tony on television sez.  I sure do miss my family but Mommy, Daisy May and Jethro visit often so its fine. I have so many new people and dogs in my life. Granddaddy and Grandmommy have these two dogs, Moose and Benson. Moose, as you might imagine, is huge. Bigger than me, even. He's a boxer/lab mix, Mommy sez. Benson is hard to describe. He's tall, thinner than me, with different kinds of hair all over his body. Granddaddy sez he's a "God Knows What All" dog. Both of them had the same operation at that bad "vet" place that I had awhile back so we play nice together and don't try and fight. Unless someone tries to get in my food bowl. There is also this cat named Munchkin. She pretty much stays in Grandmommy's and Granddaddy's room. Good. I don't like cats very much but Moose and Benson tell me I gotta live with it. I also have new people that come to visit. Aunt Lulubelle, Uncle Buster and their kids Damien and Wednesday. Aunt Lulubelle is Mommy's "sister" and Uncle Buster is her "husband". Damien and Wednesday are good kids. They pretty much leave us dogs alone when they are here.Â
    I don't know what happened to Daddy. Mommy told us we were coming out here to live with him since he got out of "jail" but since then he and Mommy had lots of big fights about "sluts" and "drugs" and "money", his "fucked up family" and his "asshole friends". Mommy cried a lot and she and Grandmommy and Aunt Lulubelle decided that she needed to "kick his ass to the curb". Mommy and Daddy are getting a "divorce". Granddaddy sez that if he bothers Mommy again or comes around this house he'll "kick his ass till his nose bleeds, that worthless cock knocker. We told her not to marry him in the first place but would she listen? Nooooo....." So Daddy hasn't been seen in awhile. Everyone sez this is a good thing.Â
    Anyway, the reason I'm writing you is I heard you and Aunt Crazy Sis, and Grandma might be moving here soon. Oh, boy!! When I heard that I got so excited I almost peed . I miss you guys so much. I can't wait to see you and I know Jethro and Daisy feel the same way. You'll like it here. Its fresh and clean and wide open. It will be so great to have all my family in one place. I know you often fight with them and they are mean to you sometimes but I think you're a big enough person to overcome that. Please do come, Auntie Bugg. It's wonderful here. By the way, you still hand out pizza crusts, vienna sausage, potato chips and beef jerky(the people kind, not the dog kind) to dogs, right? Right?Â
   Uh oh....I hear Granddaddy getting up and walking around upstairs so I gotta go. More later.
yer fur nephew
Brody/Buddy No No Bad Dog Terwilliger
     Well, what can I say? I miss them too. I have almost decided to take the bear by the balls and make the move. I mean how can you resist this tender, heartfelt plea? What with my campaign over with now, I need a change of scene and something new to occupy my time. So, now I guess its planning, packing and scarfing cardboard boxes from the grocery store. I thought I was done with all this but, I guess one last move seems to be in the cards for me. Adventure awaits.
yer tired just thinking about it pal