I had the strangest dream last night. When we lived on the
farm, I had a beautiful golden colored cow with a white
face. Her name was Buttercup and she followed me around
like a dog. She was a Charlois-Herford cross. I really
mourned when she died of old age.
Last night I dreamed that I was driving through the city
with Adrienne and pulling Buttercup in a trailer. Somehow
she got out at a stop sign and I gave Adrienne some money and told her to shop and eat lunch while I caught Butter
cup. We agreed to meet in an hour. Buttercup had on a halter and I got her quite easily but everywhere we went
people stopped and admired her. We walked through a nursing
home to the delight of the patients and one woman wanted to
milk her which I allowed her to do. It was taking way to
long to get back to Adrienne and I was feeling anxious.
When we finally got to the meeting place, a policemen met me and told me they had jailed Adrienne as a runaway. I got her out of jail and she was starving so we decided to
eat. By that time, we had been gone almost all day and we
both wondered how we would ever explain to Ellie. Then
I woke up.
It was really strange because I haven't thought of Buttercup
for years. It may have been about loss.
Yesterday was such a happy day for me because all my family
was together with the exception of my Communist grandson
and his lazy father. Can't you just imagine "Communist
meets Rush Limbaugh" and of course we were relieved that
they didn't come. I wonder how it triggered such a strange
Ted and I just marveled at our gorgeous grand daughters and
saw an unusual but marked resemblance between Linda
and Adrienne. Bobby and Linda are half siblings. Adrienne has the very same profile as Linda does and the same sable colored hair. Bobby said he had always seen it but we just
realized it when we saw them sitting at the table. Genetics
happen in mysterious and fascinating ways.