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Teal's Modest Adventures

Computing & Technology > Computer Woes Continue

Computer Woes Continue

Computer problems, missteps, convoluted program stuff, continue to present. We have Vista and it is designed to separate all users from each other, so each of us has a “side”. I haven’t been able to sign in on my side for weeks. I can get to my stuff on Ed’s side but my documents are write protected, so I copy them and start a new document on Ed’s side and he is then the author of record. The computer thinks Ed is brilliant as a result. Little does IT know.

Ed wants to buy Windows 7 and replace Vista if he can find one cheaply. Windows 7 is Microsoft’s answer to Vista and it was rushed into production because everyone on the planet complained about Vista. I think Vista was the result of a bunch of acned, nerd hackers who couldn't get sex, writing for each other and totally ignoring user needs while they masturbated by turning simple operations into complicated ones and exclaiming with high fives, "Isn't this awesome? One step is now 10!!!" Ed is kind of tabling all work on the computer till he finds a cheap Windows 7 program. Ha.

My E mail is also screwed up. When I hit “reply” on an E mail, I don’t always get a reply screen. I can copy the address and hit “compose” and proceed. However, if I have a message that would be hard to rewrite, I copy it. I have learned that I have to check each sent piece of mail. When I go into “Sent Mail”, half the time my message is garbled and unreadable. My friends think I have lost my mind and have started to write in tongues.

Ms. Nadine said, since I had all the E mail addresses for our lunch group, I should organize the next one. It took me an hour to send an E mail to 4 people. Finally got a clean E mail on the 4th try.

If the computer is left unattended, the screen reverts to the opening screen and one must log on again. It shows Ed’s logo (a kitten that looks like Brunswick, awww) and mine (the bass clef of a music sheet). It pretends you can choose, but if I click on mine, it says “Please Wait” and 10 minutes later it says it can’t connect and I should check with the system administrator and then the computer reboots. If Ed gets his E mail, I have to log him out and me on, but the computer does not remember me, so I must retype name and password. On MyBloggers, I have to log on each time I go in and also retype name and password.

When I shut down the computer, I always get a message that it is “configuring updates” and am warned not to turn it off, but there are no updates.

Ed has run malware bytes and spyware.com and every clean-up program he can find and it says no problems except for one that is calle d”Prcreviewer”. It is always there, the program finds it and says it shouldn’t be there, but it can’t delete it.

I am somewhat limited in using the computer because of all these glitches. I know this litany has put you all to sleep. Just know The Computer God hates me. I can easily see mayhem as a solution to hackers who spread viruses.

xx, Teal

posted on Jan 14, 2011 9:53 AM ()


What a horrible nightmare. When we first got our Windows XP computer we did the 'sides' thing but I decided it was a useless gimmick so got rid of that feature. Of course, I'm the one who uses the computer most of the time, and I never asked Mr. Youknow what he thought. I'm sort of the Ed around here, if you hadn't figured that out.

I love your description of the computer developers because that is my exact image of them. They'll put some goofy little script, an image or a quotation at the beginning of a program so you have to sit through it every time you start up. For them it was 'far out' 'sweet' and 'awesome' but for the daily user it's a big waste of time.

When you get your Win 7, although I think it's possible to set up 'sides' in terms of logging different users in and out maybe you'd want to think twice about how that will work in the long run.
comment by troutbend on Jan 17, 2011 11:18 AM ()
I have no clue how any of this works--just as long as it does.
comment by solitaire on Jan 16, 2011 6:26 AM ()
We have gone through some of the same problems but Ted is good about fixing them. They are wonderful when working but hateful when not.
comment by elderjane on Jan 16, 2011 4:24 AM ()
The bane of PCs is Microsoft, which has a virtual monopoly on the operating systems that run PCs. Microsoft software is notoriously faulty and subject not only to frequent crashes, drive damaging events and susceptible to every virus on the planet, but it also defies the learning process - one that the computer is supposed to make easy and user-friendly. I have used both PC/Windows machines and Macs, and I have been a Mac owner since I purchased Serial Number 1038 in 1984. My ex used an early IBM PC at that time. There was and is no comparison to the two machine systems. When you get tired and worn down by Microsoft and its stranglehold, check out a Macintosh. You won't be sorry. My last Mac "crash" occurred in 1989. The cost a little more, but they last6 twice as long and don't require repairmen or experience all the data losses. You save money over the life of the Mac.
comment by hobbie on Jan 14, 2011 6:49 PM ()
Run, don't walk, get Windows 7 if you absolutely can't get a Mac. Vista turns PCs into boat anchors. I appreciate togetherness, but why don't you get yourself a Mac and let Ed have his PC. You will lead a blissful computer life and you can let him pull his hair out.
comment by marta on Jan 14, 2011 5:34 PM ()
Vista and I connected for a few seconds but almost immediately I discarded it because I felt the same way you do...it's a useless piece of garbage, it drove me almost insane so I got rid of it and reverted to Windows. Lol....I love your description, tell it like it is Teal..
comment by aussiegirl on Jan 14, 2011 4:43 PM ()
If you can boot from a USB key or a CD, download this (free) and try it. It ran all my hardware out of the box. You can install it to your hard drive when you're ready, but you have to back up all your data.

comment by zillahkatt on Jan 14, 2011 4:33 PM ()
comment by nittineedles on Jan 14, 2011 3:20 PM ()
When I bought my new computer last February, Best Buy had deleted Vista and installed Windows 7. I''m so glad they did. It is very user friendly.
comment by redimpala on Jan 14, 2011 2:42 PM ()

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