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Teal's Modest Adventures

Politics & Legal > The Tucson Aftermath, Plus Dull Stuff

The Tucson Aftermath, Plus Dull Stuff

In the aftermath of the devastating carnage in Tucson, Sarah Palin continues to avoid acknowledging her role in the climate of dysfunction that has gripped the country. Although she cannot be held directly responsible for the acts of this madman, she should realize that her rhetoric has been influential in the behavior of many who are mentally ill and capable of acting out their aberrations. But her entire focus is on herself and her image. She’s pathetic.

I am amazed at Gabrielle Giffords’ resilience. There is, apparently, room to hope she will make a recovery that will allow her to function again at a high level.

I answered a poll today (I’ll live to regret it since I’ll now be on the hit list for this outfit, Newsmax) in which I supported the health bill with no repeal, and supported restoring funds to seniors on Social Security (we got no cost of living increase this year, nor last – not a problem for me, but my friend Penny was counting on it to stay afloat -- at 80, she is pet sitting for funds.)

Re health care, there was no option to say that I not only was against repeal, but wished to add to it to restore the public option, etc. These polls are often so worded as to guide the responder to a certain result. For instance, why didn’t the poll ask if I thought it was a good idea for the Republicans to hold tax cuts for the lower classes hostage to tax cuts for the very rich?

Moving on to the mundane doings of moi, the weather down here today is forecast as between 40 and 67. It definitely feels 40 now and I am bundling up. Yesterday I walked over the bridge to finally see Susan, noble tailor lady, with a bag of stuff. I had started out with same bag three days ago and was waved off the bridge because the Mickey Mouse Construction Company building the new bridge alongside it, had dropped a girder and it snapped and all traffic on and off was held up for 5 hours. Susan suggested that, perhaps, my karma was bad for the bridge. I got to see Sally, her small dog, adorable and very friendly, and I met a couple of her other customers who were, for a wonder, reasonably intelligent. This is, after all, SW Florida.

Ed finally got the transmission seal on the Isuzu SUV replaced and we are no longer in danger of being stranded. We haven’t been able to go far with the car for fear it would give out totally. He’s off to Sears this morning to get the tires rotated on the warranty. Our neighbor, Gary, has a Ford truck he wants to sell and Steve, our aces handyman just returned from Costa Rica and “big waves”, ventured to say that Ed should buy it and I took the moment to explain that Ed would drive the Isuzu until the fenders rusted off and our rears were dragging on the concrete.

Nadine, aces go-to friend for practically everything, also ventured to say that perhaps it was time to get a new car, or would Ed feel “pushed” if I suggested it and I said, oh, yes, in fact, maniacally pushed. She thought that was droll.

xx, Teal

posted on Jan 13, 2011 6:23 AM ()


Palin is nauseating. Bleeeaaaak.

President Obama's speech was outstanding. My heart and prayers are with Congresswoman Giffords, and all those who are recovering, and all the grieving families.

Social Security's cost of living should not be based on currency inflation, but rather on commodities inflation. I live on Social Security disability, and my costs (basic food especially) have risen more than 15 percent by my figures, and I live very simply.
comment by marta on Jan 14, 2011 12:36 PM ()
I would say that Sarah Palin has been the darling of the media. They give her an appalling amount of coverage and to her family too. When was it
a claim to fame to birth an illegitimate child? I don't see them doing
a show on our Presidents birth place.
comment by elderjane on Jan 14, 2011 7:06 AM ()
The truth is Palin is ratings magic and one might watch if only to despise her anew.
reply by tealstar on Jan 14, 2011 8:12 AM ()
You should see some of the blogs I've read about the memorial being a pep rally...there is no limit to what lengths they will go to demonize this President....despicable!!!
comment by aussiegirl on Jan 13, 2011 4:31 PM ()
Ted loves buying cars and would buy a new one right this minute if I didn't
restrain him. The man is infatuated with machines. I will try to tone
my rhetoric down but it is very hard on me.
comment by elderjane on Jan 13, 2011 2:52 PM ()
I'm not partial to Palin either, but there's more folks than just her flapping their gums. Now, I'm for freedom of speech in all but the most blatant "screaming 'fire' in the crowded theater" form, but how then do we protect those who are intellectually vulnerable to rabble-rousers?
comment by zillahkatt on Jan 13, 2011 10:15 AM ()
There have always been intellectually challenged people vulnerable to manipulation but the problem was never this big because communication technology was never before so advanced. Education is one answer, but more to the point, prominent people who advance spurious and violent means to a goal must be held accountable. Palin is the most visible right now. But when John Boehner refused to condemn such speech, he added to the problem. And Beck and Limbaugh and Fox News also need to take responsibility for their contributions. This incident will reach even the knuckleheads -- some of them have good hearts. I hope they respond in a favorable way rather than, like Palin, painting themselves as victims of vicious media.
reply by tealstar on Jan 13, 2011 1:49 PM ()
Your post is "hot off the press". It's 9:30 AM now. The Pres did an admirable job last night. I'm proud of him. Since I can't stand Sarah Peabrain (or "Pale-in-comparison"), I refused to listen to her rhetoric. But the folks on MSNBC hammered her speech and timing. Call her out! I see her Alaska show out for renewal. Haven't seen that either. Tell Ed to support Lafayette IN--buy a Suburu.
comment by solitaire on Jan 13, 2011 6:34 AM ()

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