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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Boring > Saturday Choices

Saturday Choices

Although I am on the new med, it will take weeks to kick in, I was told, and so it was that after my morning stretches and a cold breakfast (I won’t give up cereal and milk), I was freezing and went back to bed with a comforter, a fleece throw and a wool blanket and a heating pad turned up to high. And it was a good half hour before I stopped shivering.

When I got up, I was somewhat warmer, my core temp had shot up to 96.6 and I felt I was approaching a human condition. Ed was watching Saturday movies (translation: teen audiences welcome). He was jumping back and forth between “Starship Troopers", based on a Heinlein novel (shame on you Bob), concerning itself with giant SPIDER INSECT INVADERS (sample dialogue: “The only good bug is a dead bug,” and “Shoot anything with more than two legs!!”) sentiments I have often expressed here in SW Florida), and a Lee Marvin Western, “The Professionals”. Leonard Maltin gave the sci fi movie 3 ½ stars, confirming my view of him as alternately clueless or terminally adolescent.

Well, I slept through the art class. This week because of overbooking at the park’s class building, Stan was holding the class at his rental house, a 10 minute walk from me. We were to bring our own folding chair and something to put our huge art pad on. Our folding chairs are upholstered. I don’t have a portable easel-type thingy. The project seemed insurmountable, since it would mean having Ed drive me and picking me up, instead of just ambling over there with a few rolled up newsprint sheets under my arm. I have it on good authority, however, after a consultation with my inner artist, that I wouldn’t have gone anyway.

Now I can get myself outside and take an afternoon walk, do-able because it is only 70 degrees, or bike and I am going to dress and flip a coin.

Meanwhile, Ed has to take the car to an auto shop tomorrow because it is leaking transmission fluid and will require $$$ to get it fixed. He is not happy.

xx, to all you out there, Teal

posted on Jan 8, 2011 11:08 AM ()


I thought he was a sexy looking hunk and loved his music. He was not alone in being unable to handle adulation. You should get a peek at the
interior of Graceland. It is a tribute inside to deplorable taste. When
Ted and I commented on that while we were looking at it, we were nearly
lynched by other fans.
comment by elderjane on Jan 9, 2011 12:34 PM ()
Elvis apparently had fans from all strata. The aspect of his charisma that I found most dismaying was the sneer. Adolescents thought it meant powerful rebellion. I thought it was pretentious. In any case, my taste ran to more rugged looking guys, excepting, of course, for actors like Louis Jourdan, who looks were, besides awesome, incredibly intelligent. Couldn't say that about Elvis.
reply by tealstar on Jan 9, 2011 2:44 PM ()
It's a good thing you don't live up north anymore. Hope your meds work.
comment by solitaire on Jan 9, 2011 7:05 AM ()
If I could live in Manhattan on the Upper West Side, in, say, The Ansonia apartments, or one of the riverside high rises with a great view, where I could walk to Lincoln Center, I would move in a nanosecond. There are such things, you know, as fur coats, and I still have mine. Florida is a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here.
reply by tealstar on Jan 9, 2011 2:46 PM ()
Best wishes with the new med. Curious to know what it is, oh fellow hypothyroid pal. Totally relate to the comforters and to cold chills. Normal temp for me is 97.2. Warmest regards to your inner artist! Cars are such a pain in the wallet.
comment by marta on Jan 8, 2011 10:12 PM ()
Hi Ms. M, med's the same, dose is the next level up. It's best, the doc said, to be conservative when increasing Synthroid so I went from .75 to .88. I hope this is the answer. I looked up the synthroid link and I have many of the symptoms of low thyroid function.
reply by tealstar on Jan 9, 2011 6:30 AM ()
You're not going to Elvis's birthday party today? Hard to believe he would have been 76 if he was still alive...wonder what he would have looked like at 76. You sure have a full life, weekends are meant for rest and recreation arent they?
comment by aussiegirl on Jan 8, 2011 4:36 PM ()
I have never been a big fan of pop artists. I love jazz from the 20s, 30s, 40s, I loved the big bands, loved Dixie land jazz, hated cool jazz. When Elvis came on the scene, I was old enough to be unfazed. His life bore out that he couldn't handle his fame and adulation. He used to shoot flies on his ceiling with a gun. I thought him infantile. He threw away his late years by incredible excess. Poor, hapless fool.
reply by tealstar on Jan 9, 2011 6:34 AM ()

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