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Par For The Course

Entertainment > The Weather Channel

The Weather Channel

I realize I'm breaking my New Year's resolution of no more "rants", but I can't help myself.

While in Florida, I just had to watch The Weather Channel (TWC) to see what was happening back home and elsewhere. And, of course, I wanted to know what my "local" weather was going to be. Let it be known that I hate The Weather Channel!

1) It's so repetitive. I guess weather doesn't change that quickly, so they have to repeat the same stories/forecasts over and over again. How many times did they have to "rerun" Jim Cantore's reaction to thunder snow (in Chicago)?

2) All the hype is way over the top. First, there's the prediction hype--the standing in the street waiting for something to happen. They almost always blow prognostications out of proportion: "The Beast", "Biggest Ever!", etc. It's feeding frenzy time! Stock up on food. Let's all go nuts. Please, enough already!

3) Then, of course, the forecasts are often off target. Lafayette, IN was to get 12-18" snow last week. They got 4. Furthermore, their forecasts are woefully incomplete, not to mention just plain wrong. I realize weather forecasting is not an exact science, but my "weather rock" does a better job (you know, if it's wet, it's raining, foggy if invisible, etc.). "Local on the 8s" are at least 12 hours late--and wrong.

4)Constant commercials and "coming up in the next segment" take up an inordinant amount of time. I figured that in an hour of TWC, only 20 minutes are dedicated to actual National weather (much of which is casual "bantering"). As Jack Webb would say, "Just the facts, m'am".

5) Where do they find these on-camera meteorologists? The ladies are especially annoying. One has a severe speech impediment--unbearable to listen to. Others slur or speak 90 miles an hour. We have no choices, like from four local stations. We are stuck with their horrendous selection(s).
I find myself muting TWC, not only from having to listen to the people jabbering away, but to avoid the awful music (usually "smooth jazz", which I detest).

Now that I'm back home, no more Weather Channel! Nothing like another rant to get off my chest!

posted on Feb 8, 2011 6:11 AM ()


I do listen to 'smooth jazz', but I cannot imagine tolerating the weather channel for more than 10 minutes!
comment by dragonflyby on Feb 10, 2011 8:16 AM ()
So it's people like YOU that turn jazz into a bad word (like rap)! That stuff isn't jazz, it's crap. Kenny G type schlock. I don't just dislike it. I despise it! I'm almost ashamed of my email moniker (jazzman) because of the association with "smooth jazz". If you like it, fine. Just don't ever listen to it when I'm around! (Whew, I feel better!)
reply by solitaire on Feb 12, 2011 6:40 AM ()
Randy, The Weather Channel I get on my computer does not have any announcers; it just gives the temperatures for 3-5 days and then the detailed map of cities. I like to click the Weather in Motion and watch the movement of any storms. I do not watch The Weather Channel on TV.
comment by gapeach on Feb 9, 2011 6:51 PM ()
Good idea. Unfortunately, my dial-up doesn't serve me well when it comes to "in-motion" things. No big deal. The main reason I watch the weather is to see how it might affect my golf plans (and game).
reply by solitaire on Feb 10, 2011 5:32 AM ()
Entertainment weather has gone off the edge. The same pattern happened to the news channels, except for CNN, which at least attempts to maintain political neutrality (if you ignore their "shows" such as AC 360.) I check NOAA on the web. Much more reliable, but weather is a science that defies the probability computers. Just be thankful you didn't get that heavy snow they predicted. I have a friend who calls The Weather Channel the "T & A Weather Channel." LOL
comment by jondude on Feb 9, 2011 6:25 AM ()
"T and A"--good analysis. I won't watch it again until Florida next year. Yes, I dodged all the Southern storms by a stroke of luck. Hope you're staying warm. Don't slip on the ice.
reply by solitaire on Feb 10, 2011 5:29 AM ()
comment by crazylife on Feb 8, 2011 8:37 PM ()
I don't watch the Weather Channel as I don't have cable TV. I actually like my local TV meteorologists. They do a pretty good job during newscasts. I also like Weather Underground online. They have great radar views, and I can pinpoint my forecast to my area of the city. There used to be a terrific weather program years ago on public TV called Aviation Weather. It was phenomenally accurate.
comment by marta on Feb 8, 2011 7:24 PM ()
Well, you're not missing anything by not having TWC. Everybody talks about the weather, so I reckon the channel won't go away. Stay warm.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 5:36 AM ()
I like weather.com. It tells me what I want to know and then I click on to something else... I would love to be a weather forcaster... You really can't go wrong because they are always wrong.
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 8, 2011 3:56 PM ()
That's funny. I rely on accurate weather forecasts.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 5:38 AM ()
The Weather Channel used to be a quality station before it added advertisement. Now, it's just a slick propaganda vehicle for its advertisers.
comment by redimpala on Feb 8, 2011 3:05 PM ()
I forgot about its early pre-ad days.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 5:40 AM ()
I have the on-line BBC weather forecast in my 'home page' - they are pretty good, fair play.

comment by febreze on Feb 8, 2011 12:41 PM ()
So you have instant weather, eh?
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 5:41 AM ()
apology: you don't have the weather on you blog page. I do. I don't know how I did that. duh.
comment by tealstar on Feb 8, 2011 11:33 AM ()
Forgot to mention that you have a weather link to your area on your blog page on the left. Scroll down and you'll see it just after the stats.
comment by tealstar on Feb 8, 2011 11:32 AM ()
When I was working in NY, I used to listen for the weather on TV news. I would not watch the screen because I'd be getting ready. But this didn't work, I soon realized, because they showed the weather in words while smooth music trilled in the background. Back to radio. I only watch the weather channel if there is a storm warning. Mostly I go to weather news for my area on the internet. I have it bookmarked, or you can put weather on your home page. Try it.
comment by tealstar on Feb 8, 2011 11:29 AM ()
I can easily access local weather. My complaint is solely about TWC. Thanks, anyway.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 5:44 AM ()
Those people are meteorologists??? I find that hard to believe. I never bother with the Weather Channel because they are never right, unless we're stuck in a weather pattern that goes on for days and days. I check Environment Canada's website for our weather.
comment by nittineedles on Feb 8, 2011 11:18 AM ()
I've thought the same thing (meteorologists??). They all simplify things for a simple minded audience.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 5:46 AM ()
they just want to be so dramatic about things.I agreed.Just give up the weather and let it be.But as you know that they are allotted time on the channel to fill in.That is why is so repetition about the weather.
Went I put the local news on and the first thing that they will say;more snow is on the way.Okay,go on with the rest of the day.
But they do not.They go on and on and on.
Give me the news and you can take care of the weather.
then there is this one guy measuring the snow,really?
Like they say.How stupid that they look out in the elements very.
Oh!the wind is blowing,we are going to have power outage and run for your life.This is only a little yoke.How some of the people handle this.
Your right.But they have to get paid for.
comment by fredo on Feb 8, 2011 9:03 AM ()
That's the right word--dramatic. Good comments from you. Right on!!
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 5:48 AM ()
I totally agree with you Randy. Any more, if I want to know what the weather is 'at home' I use the state Dept of Transportation road camera website. But when you're on vacation like you were, that isn't possible.
comment by troutbend on Feb 8, 2011 8:40 AM ()
I was waiting for you to tell me I need a laptop to take with me (along with a cell phone) on "vacation"!! Everybody's always telling me what to do (like my kids, sisters and father).
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 5:51 AM ()
And so you watched the Weather Channel because???? I watch it, maybe, 3 times a year and that is only for 'weather on the 8s'--usually I jusl look outside or step out on the balcony--the weather guys, as you know, as usually wrong anyway--I'm still waiting for yesterday's rain!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 8, 2011 7:05 AM ()
I watched TWC in Florida to keep track of Indiana's weather. (Why, I don't know!) I could get the local (Panama City) weather "locally". Like I said, my weather rock does a pretty good job.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 5:54 AM ()
I missed your venom but I have to agree about the weather people. Why
must they stand out in the elements? We could look out the window and
they could be warm inside the studio.
comment by elderjane on Feb 8, 2011 6:30 AM ()
Such drama! It's like those storm chaser shows they have on all the time. They're supposed to be exciting, but they're actually boring. Like watching TV golf!
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 5:57 AM ()

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