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Par For The Course

Life & Events > Returned and Refreshed

Returned and Refreshed

Hello Friends!
I left Mexico Beach, FL Saturday morning, cloudy but warm, drove 14 hours straight through, only to get stuck in the snow in my driveway. But I'm home! That's the good news.

I hadn't intended to drive straight through. I didn't think this "old man" could still do it. I kept waiting for fatigue, sleepiness, body aches, inattention--something--that would force me to stop somewhere. But I felt great! After a couple of Jr. Whoppers (BK--I know, I'm bad), 3 and a half hours later, I was pulling in (9:30P). It was nice to sleep in my own bed once again.

Getting away from Indiana and spending two weeks in Florida was a good prescripition for the winter blues. I haven't checked my BP, but it surely has to be lower. I really relaxed. Read 3 books (Mark Twain's Autobio, "A Distant Mirror", by Barbara Tuchman on the 14th century, and "The Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer", Joel Salatin), completed 9/10ths of a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, cogitated a lot, napped and ate. Oh, and I walked and jogged miles upon miles. Except for the puzzle, much of this was done on the white sands along the Gulf of Mexico. No oil was seen.
More on that later.

My youngest daughter (32), her husband and son, took time away from their farm to stay 4 days with me. I got to spend quality time with all 3 of them which meant a lot to me. We reminisced, planned for the future (farm), played, etc. And the weather was spectacular for them!

So it's back to the same old routines for me. I have much to do today--the main thing being shoveling snow and getting unstuck! I'll get around to catching up with you all in the coming days. Bye for now.

posted on Feb 6, 2011 6:30 AM ()


Welcome back and I am glad you had a good time.
comment by elderjane on Feb 8, 2011 6:04 AM ()
It's good to be home. Now if only the weather would cooperate!
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2011 5:59 AM ()
Glad you relaxed and re-energized! Now, welcome to Siberia.
comment by hobbie on Feb 6, 2011 8:11 PM ()
And here I was thinking that when I returned, it would be Spring.
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:24 AM ()
I was down for almost three weeks. Came back relaxed and refreshed too. Then we got hit with the mother of all storms and reality set in. Can't wait to go back.
comment by catdancer on Feb 6, 2011 3:36 PM ()
Hi Karen. Yes, one could get comfortable with the Florida lifestyle. It's tempting to spend several winter months there.
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:22 AM ()
Welcome home, Randy! Your holiday sounds relaxing and wonderful. So glad you had a chance to get away — and took it!! Hoping some of that warm weather followed you home....
comment by marta on Feb 6, 2011 3:03 PM ()
Thank you Martha. It's a sea of white out my window. Reminds me of the white sands of Mexico Beach! Only 40 degrees colder! This too shall come to pass.
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:20 AM ()
Randy, welcome back. Don't get back here often but when I did it was strange not to see your blogs. Sounds like you had a great time...didn't you want to stay and enjoy more sunshine? Glad you had a safe trip.
comment by gapeach on Feb 6, 2011 2:40 PM ()
It's always nice that you drop by every once in awhile. You're always welcome. An extra month in Florida would have been nice. But I get bored. And I worry about my house.
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:17 AM ()
All that snow. Maybe you should have stayed in Florida an extra week.
Glad you're home though. I missed your blogs.
comment by nittineedles on Feb 6, 2011 11:13 AM ()
The weather forecast for Florida this week wasn't particularly good, so it's no big deal I came home. And I have a long list of blogging topics!
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:15 AM ()
You made it.
comment by crazylife on Feb 6, 2011 10:14 AM ()
Yes, and with no accidents. Last year, I got rear-ended coming home.
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:14 AM ()
Glad you are back!!! I bet shoveling will take up most of your day. I am glad you got to RELAX!!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 6, 2011 9:34 AM ()
After spending nearly two hours shoveling and ice picking, a farmer neighbor came along with his tractor and finished my driveway off! But, I needed the exercise! Still, it's nice to be home--and on the computer.
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:12 AM ()
Welcome back! Weather in Florida has been pleasant these past few weeks- except for those few windy days.
comment by dragonflyby on Feb 6, 2011 9:27 AM ()
Am I being welcomed back to Florida, or Indiana? Florida weather wasn't too bad--better than last year. Here? One big YUCK! But Spring is right around the corner--eventually.
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:10 AM ()
I love it--the 'same old routines' for me are your two weeks in Florida!And we don't get snowed in when we come home!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 6, 2011 9:01 AM ()
Believe me, living permanently in Florida never looked better! I'm so jealous.
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:08 AM ()
Sounds like you had a great time. So get out the shovel ...
comment by tealstar on Feb 6, 2011 6:48 AM ()
Shovel AND ice pick! Holy Smokes! What a chore hacking my way through that crust. Good thing I'm in shape--or so I thought!
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:06 AM ()
Welcome home Randy
comment by febreze on Feb 6, 2011 6:42 AM ()
Thank you Breezy! As we used to say with the kids, "Home James, out bums!"
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:04 AM ()
Randy my man.I missed you.Sounds that you had a great trip and holiday there.With some quality time with your family.
I envy you being in a warm climate.
We were going to take a break and visit Port Charles,FL
Then things got really bad here in New England.
Mike does not want to leave because of the heavy snow on the roof.
There has been so many roofs collapsed here.
We did get some of the snow and ice off.Took down the gutter which is no help here in the winter time.It has been storm after storm.
Hopefully by March we will abe able to get away.
Well you do not want to hear all of this.
Anyway,glad that your back and surely you have been missed by all of your fellow blogger.Talk soon.
comment by fredo on Feb 6, 2011 6:40 AM ()
Sure, I want to hear all about what's happening to you (and everybody else)! I was worried about heavy ice doing damage here, but everything was okay. Thanks for the good words.
reply by solitaire on Feb 7, 2011 6:02 AM ()

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