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Travel > Sky-high Blood Pressure

Sky-high Blood Pressure

Thanks to everyone for wishing me a happy and safe trip to Florida (testing post). Believe me, I need a break away.

I have a cuff to monitor my blood pressure at home, and for the past month, it's been to the moon! Like 150/85 and even higher. That concerns me. I already take a BP pill. The question is why so high?

Well, for one, I get all hyper and stressed over the anxiety of a planned trip. What do I pack for 2 weeks? How do I "batten down the hatches" here at the house? Stop mail and newspaper. Worry about the furnace going out (that happened once, with disasterous results--pipes bursting, etc. And I was in Florida!), someone breaking into the house (yes, that has happened, too!), house burning down (no, that never occurred!), plants needing watering (I water every 2 wks--I'll be gone 2 and a half), electricity going out (oh yes--inevitably, when I return home, my clocks are flashing, indicating power outage).

And, of course, there's the worry about the weather as I drive away. It's supposed to snow a half foot the day and night before I leave (Fri), with Southern Indiana and Kentucky getting the brunt of the storm. That's right where I'm headed! NOOOOOOOOOOO! Last year I left a day early to beat the snow and ice. I can't this year (driving sister to the airport--Palm Springs). More stress.

All the way down, I keep thinking "what did I forget to bring or to do?" I fret and stew and sweat that cold underarm sweat for hours, as I drive. I'm beginning to think "why I'm doing this?". It's no "vacation" if I'm going to get all upset and have a heart attack. It's not as bad as I make it sound, but believe me, I'm having difficulty preparing for a getaway that should be fun and pleasureable. Double up my medication, Doc.

I'll check in with you all tomorrow--Thursday (as I'm watching a blizzard develop), but otherwise, probably no more posts until Feb. 7th or so. No prayers necessary, but you can wish me luck! Be well everybody.

posted on Jan 19, 2011 5:51 AM ()


I'm sure you think it's worth it now that you're there. Right now, we're supposed to be getting 12 to 18 inches of snow today. I just got back from Ft. Myers. Sure wish I could have stayed longer.
comment by catdancer on Feb 2, 2011 3:03 AM ()
Randy, I just can't imagine you getting so upset over trivial stuff. You always seem so assured and in control. Take a deep breath, it calms the mind. Don't be like my Mother, bless her heart, she used to worry about things that never happened. Enjoy your trip and watch for blue flashing lights in your rear view mirror.
comment by gapeach on Jan 19, 2011 6:52 PM ()
Will do! I never speed (>5mph over!), and will take my time and enjoy the scenery. What I need to watch out for is somebody rear-ending me, like last year on my way home! (bumper damage is all) My mother used to tell me not to worry about things I have no control over. Take heed self! Your winter hasn't been too great either, has it?! Be well.
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2011 6:02 AM ()
More deep breaths, Randy! Seriously, you should take a meditation class when you get back.... The weather looks like it's moving pretty fast to the east, so that means less snow to deal with on your journey. But, hey, so what if you have to drive slower or it takes a bit longer. Don't be so married to a schedule. Have a safe trip, and try to enjoy yourself.
comment by marta on Jan 19, 2011 6:30 PM ()
Thanks for the tips, Martha. See my reply to Dottie.
I've already decided to play it by ear as to when to take off. I can check road conditions easily enough on the internet. And you--stay warm and safe. Spring will come eventually!
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2011 5:59 AM ()
Don't worry, be happy.
With people checking on the house, you will be fine. If the weather
is terrible, then drive slower or delay a day or two.
comment by crazylife on Jan 19, 2011 5:53 PM ()
That's the plan. I may leave a day later. I paid for the place whether I'm there or not. No big deal! What, me worry?
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2011 5:56 AM ()
My 'aorta' has been diagnosed as 'disected' since 2007. It is vital for me to control my blood pressure or I will drop dead (via either a massive heart attack or choking - personally, I hope it is a cardiac lol).
I have had, to learn to keep 'calm' - no matter what happens. If a 'situation' arises - I have, to let it go above my head.
It is very hard to get to grips with learning 'how to handle' things, but, I had to - and further more 'you' can too. I have always been a placid person, but at the same time, if, something turned up and really annoyed me - basically 'look out', this is a side of me, that I have had to 'control'.
Now, I am fairly confident in tackling 'life', I suppose you would call it - and I know you can do it to - there is nothing, that is more important than keeping your stress levels wayyyyyy down!

comment by augusta on Jan 19, 2011 5:39 PM ()
Gee, I'm sorry to hear about your dissected aorta! Wow. That must be tough to live with. And here all I have is high BP and a little pleurisy! I'm taking your advice to heart. Music all day with a smile on my face!
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2011 5:54 AM ()
Here is a new mantra for you. Repeat as often as neccessary. "Deep breaths. Relax. Enjoy."
Another tip. Force yourself to smile. Not a tight, teeth clenching grin but a slight relaxed smile. If you hold it long enough your happy hormones will kick in. It's true. Try it.
comment by nittineedles on Jan 19, 2011 12:36 PM ()
I love and appreciate all these suggestions. I need all the help I can get! I'll work on yours starting immediately. Thanks.
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2011 5:51 AM ()
Randy, I am lucky if my blood pressure stays under l50 so don't worry about
it so much.It is not going to kill you. Mine has been that way for 30 years. Just have fun.
comment by elderjane on Jan 19, 2011 10:39 AM ()
Really? When I went through a week of pleurisy pains, I worried about a heart attack. But I'm okay now. My annual physical is coming up in Feb., as soon as I return. That's good.
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2011 5:49 AM ()
Guess this is very normal for all of us.I am the same way,worrying about the house plants need to be taken care off.Though in luck as I have a neighbor across the street to checked the house.Visa Versa.
I have learned all my years of traveling.To pack very light.
You can also to this.Levi you can get away with three days or more.
Half dozen of t shirt.One dressed up shirt.One sweater and of course your Calven Klein shorts or underwear,along with the socks.
If you missed anything.I am sure that your able to find what your looking for on your trip.So just get out there,enjoy living and worry about when you come home.Good luck on your journey and see you next month.
comment by fredo on Jan 19, 2011 10:10 AM ()
Good tips from a seasoned traveler. Thanks. If I forget anything, it's a good excuse to go shopping! I'll be fine. I appreciate the support. See you in 17 days or so.
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2011 5:46 AM ()
Before I moved into this house full-time, I bought a little device to monitor the inside temperature. I had a lamp plugged into it, but you could just as well plug in one of those things that dials the phone. If the person watching the house sees the light, it means that the temperature inside went too low and they need to reset the furnace or call repair service. It makes for one less thing to be concerned about.
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 19, 2011 10:02 AM ()
That's a neat idea. I have timers set for the lights to go on. I'm just not going to worry about it. Yeah, right!
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2011 5:43 AM ()
'And, of course, there's the worry about the weather as I drive
away' I would think at YOUR age you would know better than to worry--it won't change anything and will keep your blood pressure high.
And what if someone breaks into your house? You won't be able to do anything about it besides it can happen when you aren't on vacation!
OMG! You forgot to take that 10th pair of shorts you won't wear anyway--you and I know you pack too much as it is--and if you do forget something I have a news alert Florida does have stores you can buy things!
Okay, what's my message? "Be Happy, Don't Worry" and your blood pressure won't go up!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 19, 2011 7:39 AM ()
Ol' wise sage, you've hit the nail on the head! I'm listening and will take your advice. Gee, why didn't I think of this before?!! (Of course, it's easier said than done!)
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2011 5:41 AM ()
I don't know how you are set for money, but can you hire someone local to watch your house and plants? Would you trust someone? Could your sister look in on things to make sure nothing is amiss?
Oops, I guess Teal already suggested all this.
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 19, 2011 7:24 AM ()
Yes, see my response to Teal. Everything will be alright. Thanks for the thought.
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2011 5:39 AM ()
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly and enjoy your trip!
comment by dragonflyby on Jan 19, 2011 7:22 AM ()
I've taken so many deep breaths, I'm hyper-ventilating! My punching bag does wonders! Wish I could swing down your way. Just too "out of the way". I'll be thinking of you, however.
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2011 5:38 AM ()
I can't believe these huge storms this winter. Take care of your stresses, Randy. "OM mani padme hum" all day long if you must.
comment by jondude on Jan 19, 2011 6:32 AM ()
Now that's a suggestion I can use! Deep breaths.
reply by solitaire on Jan 19, 2011 6:58 AM ()
Dear Randy, would it be difficult to get a house sitter, a friend, or even your sis, to stay in your house while you are away? Meanwhile, try not to stress so much.
comment by tealstar on Jan 19, 2011 6:17 AM ()
THanks for your concern. My sister and neighbor will check up on the house for me, but even at that, I still worry. Once "something" happens when you're away, you can't get it out of your mind. By the way, I won't be traveling any further south than where I'm staying. Thanks for the invite.
reply by solitaire on Jan 19, 2011 6:57 AM ()

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