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Cities & Towns > Real Estate > The Forgotten Coast

The Forgotten Coast

The Florida Panhandle this time of year is pretty quiet. Panama City used to be a hot place for Spring vacationers. And might still be, for all I know.

This time of year, however, the weather is somewhat iffy. It can be in the 70's, then plummet to the 40's for daytime highs. Average temps. are lower 60's. Still, better than Indiana by 30-40 degrees. And that's why I go for two weeks.

The Mexico Beach area (and East to Port St. Joe) is really idyllic, for several reasons. (It's 30 miles SE of Pan.City)

For one thing, it's off the beaten path, despite Highway 98 running through it. It's not highly developed. Land and house prices are reasonable, relatively speaking. Insurance and property taxes run high, however. Think hurricanes, although none has hit the area in decades. By the way, property and houses are for sale by the gazillions. Tempting, but I'll stick to a measly $600 rent for two weeks where I stay.

This sounds silly, but one of the main reasons I like going down there is to get outside. I'm an outdoors person. I walked and jogged every single day while there, up to 10 miles some days. One can walk/run 8 uninterupted miles along the beach and never see another soul. Where IS everybody?? Another favorite place to walk is along a stretch of old, abandoned Highway 98 that parallels the beach. It feels strange to be jogging down the middle of a highway. I keep looking for vehicles. 4 miles round trip.

The sands of Mexico Beach are pristine white (if you ignore plastics and other flotsam washed up--but no oil remnants).
This beach was rated #1 in the nation several years ago. It's easy to see why. The sand dunes with sea grass growing on them are a thing of beauty. Lots of shells for collecters, too. (I'm not)

Even the neighborhoods in the housing areas (some "developments") are fun to walk or jog through. It's always interesting to look at the houses and yards. I'd guess half are unoccupied, either because they are abandoned or for sale, or they are vacation homes. In any case, the scenery is different for me. Pine trees, not corn and beans (or nothing).

Another thing that makes the area "quiet" is there are no nearby golf courses or malls or Wal-Marts. Nothing to attract the masses. I don't know where the permanent residents work, because there's no industry or construction, and few "services" to support a working class.

But let's keep this place a secret, okay? I like it the way it is!

posted on Feb 10, 2011 6:12 AM ()


Sounds lovely.
comment by crazylife on Feb 12, 2011 11:26 AM ()
. . . . faraway beaches . . . aaahhhhh fabulous

comment by febreze on Feb 12, 2011 8:48 AM ()
I Googled Mexico Beach and got 67 entries all of them enthusiastic about its out-of-the-way virtues and lots of listings for getaways, etc. Maybe it wasn't crowded when you were there because people are still afraid of the fall-out from the oil spill. It does sound lovely. I won't say a word.
comment by tealstar on Feb 10, 2011 11:16 AM ()
I don't think the oil scare had anything to do with it. It was quiet last year, too. There's a reason it's called "the forgotten coast"! And mum's the word to keep it that way. Are you ready to move off your island? (I know the answer--no!)
reply by solitaire on Feb 11, 2011 5:29 AM ()
Sounds like a dreamy relaxing refreshing time! I thought you'd bring your golf clubs along.... I'd love the quiet and temperatures for beach wandering and walking. I'm not a sun/heat lover, but a break in the winter temps would be most welcome. Ahhhhh.... Ten below here today. Come on, spring!
comment by marta on Feb 10, 2011 10:11 AM ()
No, no invite requested!
reply by marta on Feb 11, 2011 9:08 AM ()
No, I wouldn't want to be there in the summer. This time of year is ideal. It's a break from winter. Plus it's that much closer to Spring when I return. I bet you'd like it. Are you looking for an invite next year? (It won't happen! Sorry.)
reply by solitaire on Feb 11, 2011 5:26 AM ()
read my lips.It is sealed.
comment by fredo on Feb 10, 2011 8:59 AM ()
I appreciate it! It's a swell place to vacation. Good seafood, too! I love shrimp.
reply by solitaire on Feb 11, 2011 5:22 AM ()
Florida has a few of these off-the-beaten path towns both inland and along its coasts, but industry and malls are quickly finding them.The housing bust has slowed it down, so I guess that is the silver lining.
comment by dragonflyby on Feb 10, 2011 8:24 AM ()
I always wondered why anybody in his right mind wouldn't move to a warm clime, if they could. I could, but won't--for a variety of reasons. Perhaps I'm not of "right mind"!
reply by solitaire on Feb 11, 2011 5:20 AM ()
Sure keep it a secret blabber mouth--I keep bad mouthing Fort Lauderdale---heat, humidity, hurricanes, Yankees, snowbirds, old folks, etc., to keep people away--I know I'll send them all to the panhandle where the conservatives hang out!!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 10, 2011 8:21 AM ()
I figured so few people read my posts here on MyBloggers, that it wouldn't make much difference if I blabbed. It's not exactly Facebook. And you're right--the Panhandle is only a stone's throw from red-neck Alabamians. Few "cottontops" however.
reply by solitaire on Feb 11, 2011 5:17 AM ()
Sounds wonderful. How I would have loved to be there last week.
comment by redimpala on Feb 10, 2011 7:26 AM ()
I was sort of envious of those "back home" challenging a blizzard (must be a primal instinct). But then I said, "Naaahh"! I'm looking forward to next week's warm-up.
reply by solitaire on Feb 11, 2011 5:13 AM ()
My cousin has proposed that we all go together and buy a family property
while everything is so cheap. It is a good idea, I think.
comment by elderjane on Feb 10, 2011 6:26 AM ()
Bargains are to be had--just about anywhere you choose. I keep thinking "how can I pass this up?". But I have enough "back home in Indiana" to occupy my time and money.
reply by solitaire on Feb 11, 2011 5:10 AM ()

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