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Computing & Technology > Blogging > On Being Patient with My Computer

On Being Patient with My Computer

"These are the times that try men's souls". I'm talking about the frustrations I'm having with my computer.

It's sooooo slow. I have to wait 30' for my virus scanner to read all my emails (spams). If I try to do anything else while waiting, everything slows down further.

While on "mybloggers", I have to hit "reply" twice to be able to respond to a comment on my post. Then, I wait, and wait, and wait. Everything I do on mybloggers is slow. Of course, I can't run youtube videos. Bringing up photos is interminable. Even when typing this, the words are a sentence behind. It's beginning to drive me crazy--to the point where I don't want to bother.

Of course, the problem lies in both my dial-up and the age of the desk-top. Ugh. I've defraged and deleted, and have little stored on the hard drive. For what little I do on the computer, I'm not too eager to spring for an update (Windows 98), or a new one. Is it worth it, I ask? Guess I'll ask my friendly computer geek what he thinks.

At least I have more time, now that winter is here. Still, 3 hours every morning is not what I had in mind to "kill" time. I have plenty of things to do even if it's not gardening or golf.

On a different subject: Has anybody seen the most recent Wendy's commercial? They're promoting their super deluxe hamburger with mushrooms and bacon, etc. Then, they have the audacity to say "It's waaay better than fast food"!!!!! Are you kidding me?!! What are they calling it, a healthy alternative? Are consumers that stupid? Don't answer that!

posted on Nov 22, 2008 6:25 AM ()


The cost of satellite is high but it is easy on the nerves. We have the bundle...tv..dsl..phone all in one.
comment by elderjane on Dec 4, 2008 10:27 AM ()
Isnt ur pc infected with spyware? That can make ur pc very slow. Ever tried spybot search and destroy??
comment by itsjustme on Nov 24, 2008 12:56 AM ()
Dear sol; I'm having all the same problems with my computer as you do--slow dial up, problems with mybloggers, the whole nine yards. So so slow, so many problems I could scream. I deleted as many things as I could thinking that would help--NOPE it didn't. I blog every few days, but sitting to blog or read blogs is very painful due to the pinched nerves in my arms. For every minute I spend on the computer, I know I'd going to pay for it with pain. That's a real deterrent!
comment by susil on Nov 23, 2008 2:28 PM ()
I've got dial-up in Las Vegas, and it is very, very slow, although not as bad as yours sounds. It's a money saving thing because in Colorado we've got DSL and cable TV so we feel like that is extravagant enough. I thought the cut-off date for the XP operating system on new computers was last June. I'm waiting to get a new PC when they come out with a replacement for Vista. I bought a Macintosh, but am not very impressed with it for doing real work. Most people who use them don't use PCs so don't know the difference. We both used Macs at work and home for 20 years, so it's not like I don't know anything about them.
comment by troutbend on Nov 23, 2008 11:25 AM ()
Better than fast food? If it's not fast food, then just what is it? Ugh.
comment by beabea on Nov 23, 2008 7:34 AM ()
You made me stop and think: I tend to think of science and technology as interdependent. It may be, but that does not mean that someone who leans towards science also leans towards technology. (Did I say that right? Does it make sense?)
comment by dragonflyby on Nov 23, 2008 6:59 AM ()
Well, time IS money. I think that laptop prices are coming down. You're right about Vista. When we got the new laptops... I think last year, we hunted around for XP. And, you still can find XPs here and there. Of course, XP is a tiny bit more expensive than Vista. Also, I think that you can get Verizon high speed for about %15 per month. ...Wendy's "better than fast food"?
comment by sunlight on Nov 22, 2008 10:17 PM ()
I have that awful slow dial up, but a newer computer with Vista, and MyBloggers works pretty good for me. What antivirus are you using? Even with a fast computer and cable internet, I find that the antivirus software slows everything down to a crawl. I don't bother with antivirus programs at home anymore.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Nov 22, 2008 1:05 PM ()
I'm sure your "geek" has done a lot, but you might try one of the online email services such as, gmail, hotmail or yahoo, etc. That eliminates downloads entirely. The Preferences in your browser will let you use a blank page for your home page; and you can choose to clear your cache every time you log off.
comment by catdancer on Nov 22, 2008 9:23 AM ()
I remember it all too well. We took the plunge in Aug. went to Cable One for high speed and our cable stations one package price. Then over to Office Max, great deal on a HP...no payments till 2009, and no interest! Setting it up was a breeze and I'm loven Vista.
So you deserve the treat. this was our Anniversary gift and my son's 21 birthday gift.
comment by anacoana on Nov 22, 2008 8:45 AM ()
One thing that slows mybloggers down is the technorati links. I Adblock Plus-ed those things and it's quicker loading.

How many start-up programs do you have running? If you don't have a lot of memory, then that will slow things down too. The newer software, bloatware, needs more. The new versions of Windows are worse, but the other software creeps in anyway.
comment by stiva on Nov 22, 2008 8:24 AM ()
Recently we went for a 3-way package offered by our phone company -- we now have highspeed internet and satellite TV in 4 rooms (as opposed to only one working TV before). Our computer has gone to a museum and we have a new one. The high speed modem supplied did not work with it. We bought a new computer. Then we had to buy a new printer because our perfectly fine laser did not work with the new computer. If you have some mad money, go for it. The new system is a dream. Ed, however, chewed nails over the costs for several months. He seems fine now. His growl is down to low decibels.
comment by tealstar on Nov 22, 2008 7:30 AM ()
I couldn't handle dial-up. Fortunately, we have satellite, but I lost the internet last week and had to have a tech from my server come all the way out here in the middle of nowhere to fix it. Don't get frustrated; can't you get satellite?
comment by looserobes on Nov 22, 2008 7:04 AM ()

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