Did anybody happen to watch 60 Minutes the other night? They had a most fascinating segment about a handful of people that have the ability to remember what they did on every day of their life (starting a various ages). Give them an obscure date, and they could recount a significant event (or insignificant, like what they ate for lunch) on that day.
These people are being intensively studied for their amazing abilities.
Of the 5 (on the show), 4 were not married and childless. The three men were left-handed, women right. They seemed "normal". One was an actress (forgot her name). And the point I want to make is: they were all fairly compulsive, one way or another. The actress was a "neat freak", for example.
That led me to analyze my own abilities and behaviors. No, like most of us, I can barely remember what I ate yesterday. Yes, I can remember where I was when Pres. Kennedy was shot, or the Space Shuttle exploded, and other vivid events.
I think I'm rather average.
As far as "compulsiveness", I admittedly have my quirks. My baseball card collection was always compartmentalized. My 45 yrs worth of National Geographics are all in chronological order, neatly shelved. I'm obsessive in stacking my firewood, every piece perfectly positioned in the "right" location. My garden is in perfect rows, spaced exactly apart, weed free. You get the point. Those 5 "savants" were like that.
However, despite the fact that I keep my house and clothes clean and "put away", I have clutters and disorder in many places: my computer desk, garage and basement tools, kitchen counters, and more. I suppose I'd consider myself a dichotomy. I'm "all of the above": organized and orderly, yet am okay with clutter and disorder (messy). I bet psychologists would have a field day with me!
How about you?
Since the snow has been here (for a month, at least) every day has merged into one, so it has been difficult to remember certain days - I am not alone, my husband has had the same problem.
I can remember my childhood sort of, vividly and my adulthood too. I think that is because I view them in categories/chapters of my life - of which, there have been many (not termed in the 'age' context, more in the way of the varying 'happening's of my life'.
I do, write down any 'important' forthcoming events on the kitchen calender - that is: Birthdays, Hospital and Doctor appointment's etc.
A 'smell, song or movie' can cause me to remember certain events that took place - even a 'name' will trigger a memory - speaking of which, it is the 'hard to pin - point' memory that I am interested in too (as is my daughter Lynniessomethingorother). I refer to 'past life memory'. I would love to know more about that.