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Life & Events > Believe it or Not

Believe it or Not

When I just about got killed, I thought about Ripley's Believe it or Not.
Remember Robert Ripley? He started his sports "column" for a New York newspaper in 1918. It later expanded beyond sports. "Believe it or Not" is an icon in American history. It was on radio, television, featured in movies and now the internet. There are many "Ripley" museums all across the U.S. Go ahead, google it.

So here's my "believe it or not". Yesterday, I painted some house window trim with mixed colors. After supper, I went outside to look at the dried results.

I was standing under my huge willow tree when I heard a sound--a crack. It took me a second to analyze what I was hearing. When I looked up, a large tree limb was starting to fall straight down on me! No wind, no storm, nothing.

I quickly jumped to the side as the limb crashed down, narrowly missing me. Holy cow! Out poured thousands of carpenter ants and their eggs. They had hollowed out the limb for their nest, weakening it to the point of breaking. And of all the times, here I was standing directly beneath it!

Now that's a "believe it or not"! By the way, I like my paint color mix.

posted on Aug 19, 2011 5:18 AM ()


I forgot to tell you, a 60 year-old here died when he fell from a ladder while trimming a tree with a chain saw. The chain saw cut his head plus he had internal injuries - so be careful if you decided to be proactive and trim your trees before the limbs fall on you.
comment by troutbend on Aug 22, 2011 4:47 PM ()
Same as you, I had a big branch fall off a 42 year old maple tree for no apparent reason, no wind or rain. I had the tree cut down last Friday and found it had a big split near the top. If it had split all the way, one branch would have landed on my neighbor's deck and the other branch would have taken out my other neighbor's fence. Carpenter ants were involved in my tree too. Are these ants unionized?
comment by boots586 on Aug 22, 2011 3:47 PM ()
You dodged a bullet. As for carpenter ants, I was told that if you see any in your house, you should quick have a termite inspection. They send "scout" ants on ahead to find houses with wet timber which also indicates termites are not far away. I saw one once and killed it right away. Shortly after, we replaced our roof and I thin that solved that problem. Meanwhile, back at the carpenter ant wikiup, Maury asked Adele where Stanley was and she said, "Well, he didn't come back ... do you think ???)
comment by tealstar on Aug 22, 2011 12:21 PM ()
My old neighborhood had tons of willow trees so I love them. In the middle of the night a 30 or 40 ft one a few houses down fell over just like yours, without warning. I bet it had something to do with carpenter ants, too, because our area had a problem with them.
comment by drmaus on Aug 22, 2011 9:17 AM ()
Okay,keep us informed.
comment by fredo on Aug 21, 2011 8:35 AM ()
comment by crazylife on Aug 20, 2011 9:13 PM ()
Your luck is in need of some rebuilding?? Too close for me, as I had a similar tree limb, HUGE, fall 2 inches from Ayla's bedroom when she still lived at home. It is a 100+ yo oak tree and provides so much shade I have yet to use my AC in the house all summer. So the the tree wins, same thing it was HOLLOW, but woke about 7 of us up in the neighborhood!!

Now my good luck story....last Saturday after having a wonderful time camping in Downeyville, 5,000+ elevation we headed off on our bicycles for a lovely ride in the mountains. I still do not really know what happened but I fell to the left of the white line instead of to the right of it, and as Parker watched in shear horror a truck nearly ran me over!!!!!

I broke my fall with my left shoulder, thankfully nothing broken, but I am pretty beat up and have many months of healing and PT ahead of me. I'M ALIVE!!!!! The traumatic experience really made both of us reevaluate our lives together!! He'll be 47 in Nov. I'll be 50 in April. So relocating to the beautiful 40 acre ranch is going to be happening much sooner than we planned.

I have been pistol whipped and had loaded guns pointed at me in my past life....yet I never felt this close to death!!! It happened in a blink of an eye!! The only thing I remember feeling was intense pain and smelling the hot hwy. pavement that I hit, plus exhaust and the noise of the truck...then it was like I was a "Jill in the box" and popped back up at the last possible second!! Parker was also traumatized watching in slow motion as he jumped off his bike, remember he is 6'6" tall!!

It just wasn't my time to die last Saturday...so try to smile and laugh as much as you can DAILY Randy, that is why I wrote all of this to you, we never know when we are going to check out!! I plan on living another 50 years....I am so happy to know the tree Lost and you Won with your life!!
much love and laughter sent your way Mr. Smith!!!!
comment by darkstar on Aug 20, 2011 7:52 AM ()
Again, nice to hear from you, Barb, and especially nice to hear you're still alive! I am constantly saying to myself, "slow down, take it easy, relax, act your age," etc. But old habits are hard to break. Keep in touch.
reply by solitaire on Aug 21, 2011 5:16 AM ()
We're all glad you got out of the way. Now, figure out what you would have been sorry you didn't get around to doing, and get it done.
comment by troutbend on Aug 19, 2011 4:12 PM ()
I'm not too much of a procrastinator. I keep a list of jobs. I just don't want to work my way out of things to do. Like that's gonna happen!
reply by solitaire on Aug 21, 2011 5:29 AM ()
What is wrong with mybloggers?
comment by elderjane on Aug 19, 2011 11:28 AM ()
Am I missing something? Wrong with mybloggers?
reply by solitaire on Aug 21, 2011 5:26 AM ()
That is weird.Glad that you are safe.Carpenter ants?not good si?
comment by fredo on Aug 19, 2011 8:48 AM ()
I saw a big ant in the kitchen last night. A refugee? Plus, I dumped the big chunks of willow in my wood shed--probably infesting the rest of the wood (and building) with ants. Dumb. By the way, I've started planning my trip to New England. You're in my plans! More later.
reply by solitaire on Aug 21, 2011 5:25 AM ()
The message is you better stop complaining or the next time the branch will hit!
Okay I'll admit I am glad it missed--I would miss your moaning and groaning every day which makes my life seem that much better!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 19, 2011 7:41 AM ()
Now, now. I really don't complain THAT much. Just commenting on my life and times. Look back and you'll find most of my posts are upbeat. I just like a little sympathy thrown my way.
reply by solitaire on Aug 21, 2011 5:22 AM ()
Wow! Glad you moved in time.Good reflexes!
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 19, 2011 7:39 AM ()
comment by jondude on Aug 19, 2011 7:28 AM ()
Holy cow~~~ Glad you still have your hearing!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 19, 2011 7:17 AM ()
And reflexes! There's a side story to the hearing, but I won't go into it.
reply by solitaire on Aug 21, 2011 5:20 AM ()
Yikes! So glad you got out of the way — celebrating your senses and reflexes! Now I'm wondering what willow tree limb those carpenter ants will choose for their next home. I'm imagining them all scrambling right back up the tree to start all over again....
comment by marta on Aug 19, 2011 6:16 AM ()
Willows are noted for being a soft and easily broken tree. I've picked up many a stick/limb over the years. But it's too nice to chop down. I'll just be more cautious!
reply by solitaire on Aug 21, 2011 5:18 AM ()

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