When I was in Thailand on vacation, we told people we were Canadians. Thanks to Dubya Boosh, the US of A leaves a bitter taste in peoples mouths. Saying we were from Canada helped. People just said "oh - okay" and left it at that.
I find that living in Utah is about the same way. If I leave this state and go anywhere else, people ask where I live and when they find out I live here the FIRST thing they say is "so are you Mormon?" Because that is what this state is known for. The Mormons and all their wives. But what people don't know, is that the non-mormons outnumber them. You can find bars all over the place and even strip joints. I even had a job for a while as an escort agency's phone girl. (that is a post on it's own for sure!) The reason many people live here is the outdoors. Year around, you can find many outdoor things to do that are within an hours drive. When I go camping, I very seldom drive more than 2 hours to get where I want. The cost of living is average - not too high and there is always jobs. The only bad thing about living here is the reputation of being such a Mormon state and that the Mormons run it. But all states have a little bit of that don't they?
I swear if I ever meet someone from Kentucky I'm going to ask "so are you married to your sister?"
Have a good weekend everyone!!!