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Life & Events > Yup, I'm Back

Yup, I'm Back

Yes, I know. I have been a complete slacker. My last post was let me see…..Feb 2009!!! WTF?
I was having problems getting MyBloggers to work. It wouldn’t keep me logged in for some reason so I just kinda stopped coming here and started another blog. But even that blog didn’t go anywhere and I stopped altogether. But now MyBloggers is letting me stay logged in 
I won’t even try to catch you up completely on everything I have been up to but here are a few things that went down the past year or so.
1. My grandson is 2 now! And the cutest little guy I’ve ever met. Last year his mother got into some trouble again and the state gave me custody of him. Lemme tell you something though. Raising a baby at 40 is HELL. When I had my children in my 20s it was easy getting little or no sleep. Not so much anymore. There is a reason our lady parts stop working. Thankfully, my daughter got her head out of her ass and got her shit together so it was only 4 or 5 months before he went home.
2. Right before I got custody of him I was on my way to work one morning and slipped on the ice right outside my front door. When I looked down my foot was BACKWARDS! Completely broke all the bones in my ankle. The pain was worse than anything I can describe and I’ve had 3 babies. I had surgery that day and they put a bunch of hardware in my leg. Then I spent 5 months recovering. The worst part was this was during the time I had the grandson. So that didn’t help chasing a baby on crutches and high on Percocet! The good thing is, now I have a bionic foot.
3. I’ve taken a couple really fun trips. The first was for my 40th birthday. My ex-husband and I went to Hawaii. We spent 3 days in Honolulu and 4 days at Turtle beach. If you’ve never been to Hawaii you should definitely go. Skip Honolulu and go straight to Turtle beach though. And over Halloween this year I went with about 15 friends to New York. Another place I think everyone should visit once. We stayed right on times square and pretty much partied 24 hours a day  We went to ground zero which I think was the highlight of the trip. Very surreal and patriotic.
4. I have managed to lose 45 pounds! It started when I broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years. During our relationship I had gained that much and when we broke up I was up to 203! The first 10 came off slowly then when I broke my foot, I lost another 10 in 2 weeks from the drugs they had me on. Plus my roommate that was cooking for me during that time was a terrible cook. Don’t tell her I said that Then my co-workers started a biggest looser type of thing and I joined. Within 2 months I had lost 20 and since then another 5 but now it’s coming off slower. I have another 10 to my goal but I am in my skinny jeans and they are getting too big. It’s a great feeling. For anyone wondering what I’m doing: I don’t eat ANY sugars or bread. My meals are primarily Smart Ones (Weight Watchers frozen entrées) and salads. As much fruits and veggies as I want and once a week I spoil myself with sushi.
5. I am dating my best friend. This is a little strange even to me but it started a few months ago when another of my friends told me that Erin (my best friend) was in love with me. It kinda floored me because we have been friends for over 10 years and I had NO idea she liked me that way. Well, I kept it to myself that I knew but once you know something you start seeing things different and within a few weeks I started having feelings for her as well. We got drunk one night and one thing led to another and…. (you know). So anyway…. Our friends are freaked out a little but almost everyone has said “It’s about time!”
So, that’s about it! I will try to post before the next year passes 

posted on Nov 30, 2010 7:46 AM ()


Thanks Janet... but your still my fav wife
comment by meranda on Dec 1, 2010 7:54 AM ()
Yay, yay, yay!

I think facebook sort of killed blogging for me, too. Took a bit of the mystery out of it or something.

Yay for you on the weight loss! And double yay on the best friend turned girlfriend.
comment by juliansmom on Dec 1, 2010 6:54 AM ()
It's good to see you're back with us.
comment by troutbend on Nov 30, 2010 3:31 PM ()
Good to see your all still here!
reply by meranda on Dec 1, 2010 7:54 AM ()
Welcome back! I've broken a few toes but they were never facing the wrong direction. With that bionic foot I'll bet you can run faster than a two year old.
comment by nittineedles on Nov 30, 2010 1:53 PM ()
Yes, for now I can but he's getting faster every day
reply by meranda on Dec 1, 2010 7:55 AM ()
Hi Meranda, I don't think, we have met before but nice to chat toy you now
comment by augusta on Nov 30, 2010 9:02 AM ()
- 'to' - not 'toy' -
reply by augusta on Nov 30, 2010 9:03 AM ()
Time definitely flies. I find that with Facebook, I tend to not blog nearly as much as I used to. I am not sure why.
I am so glad to hear about you and your best friend. Sometimes a relationship is found where we least expect it.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 30, 2010 7:48 AM ()
Yeah, Facebook did kill me blogging as well. Especially since most of my blogger friends are my Facebook friends
reply by meranda on Nov 30, 2010 8:27 AM ()

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