During my weekly meeting with my Club Reduce (my weight watchers group) conversation went to drag queens and someone asked “So what do you call a girl who dresses like a guy†and I replied “A King†which is yes, what lesbians are called in drag. I actually have dated 2.
But it got me thinking that most people don’t know lesbian slang so here is a little FAQ for you:
Butch – this is a manly girl. Never with makeup or girls clothes on. However, I find these girls are usually all butch on the outside but deep down they are very girly and afraid of spiders just like the rest of us.
Diesel Lesbian – A girl that dresses like a trucker
Lipstick Lesbian – these girls you couldn’t tell are lesbians as they dress girly wear makeup and high heels. This is me.
Sporty Dyke – These girls dress like 15 yr old boys and are on most softball teams across America. Also called Chapstick lesbian
Pillow Queen – These are girls that will allow another girl to “go down†on her but will not do it back. I have found that most pillow queens go back to men eventually.
Clam Slammed – This phrase is a variation on cock block. I got clam slammed not long ago when I was picking up on a girl and a guy came between us to pick up on me. He was oblivious to it.
Golden Penis – This is what we refer to men who think that if only a girl would sleep with him she would no longer be gay.
Baby Dyke – We call under 20 lesbians this.
Gold Star Lesbian – this is a girl that has never slept with a man. The girl I’m dating now is a gold star.
U-Hauls – lesbians who move in together within a few dates. THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!!!
Saturday Night Lesbian – a girl who acts straight during the week.
Top – a girl that is dominant in bed. The aggressor
Bottom – The opposite of top duh!
Family – This term is for gay/lesbian/transsexuals to identify if your gay. “Are you family?â€
Anyway, that’s all I can think of right now. Do you know anymore?
PS I couldn't resist putting this under Education. LOL
At the inner city club I worked at in my “formative†years. On staff, we had a butchie girl [ I <3ed her hair…all short and spiked up sh*t] and one that carried lipstick. We also had a very pretty boy who was an even more gorgeous woman. Alas, his courage made another staff member follow suit. Shame he was born a big, thick, ugly Tongan man and was the same in drag.