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Life & Events > I Hate Chase Bank

I Hate Chase Bank

I had the most annoying thing happen with my bank account last week that has left a very bitter taste in my mouth about banks and now I’m shopping for a credit union!
It started last month when I paid my rent with the online “bill pay” option Chase Bank offers. It told me that the latest it would arrive at my landlords was 02/07. That was a little late but I figured it would probably be early so I didn’t worry about it. Well on the 8th my landlord calls me and hasn’t gotten the check so I tell her that if it doesn’t come by the next day that I would figure it out. Well it didn’t so I call Thursday to tell them that it wasn’t ever paid although the money had been taken out of my account. So finally, they tell me that they will put a stop payment on the first check and I can write my landlord a 2nd check. However, she was charging me an extra $75.00 for the late fee. So now I’m down $75 because the bank fucked up.
Then I keep checking my balance and the original money never gets puts back in….then by Saturday I notice I’m negative over $400. I go online and notice the 2nd check had gone through and they had NEVER put the original money back in so the 2nd check came in and they paid it….but charged me a $35.00 overdraft fee. So now I’m down $110.00 because the bank fucked up.
Lemme tell ya, I was NOT happy and the poor woman who had the pleasure of answering that call got an earful. I remember her saying “now maam if you continue to use that kind of language I will be forced to terminate this call” and I was all “IF YOU CONTINUE TO STEAL MY FUCKING MONEY I WILL TERMINATE YOUR BANK!!”
So she put me on Permahold while she got her supervisor. I was honestly on hold for about 30 minutes. I’m pretty sure that’s what they teach customer service people about assholes like me…. Just put them on hold and they will hang up or calm down.
I calmed down. By the time the manager got on the phone I had stopped yelling and was on the verge of tears. He explained that the first time I called that the guy that put the hold on my check shouldn’t have done that. That they could have just reversed it or some shit. So he gives me back the $35 overdraft fee. So I’m thinking everything was okay and I ask him…”so I can use my debit card now right?” and he tells me that no, the original check amount will be held until 3 – 5 days had passed and the check wasn’t cashed.
So, I started crying a little and said.. “so you take my money and keep it ransom, I have to pay $75 for your fuck up and now I have to explain to my girlfriend she won’t be getting a present for Valentine’s Day? How would YOUR girlfriend take that news?”

So… he’s putting the paperwork in to get my $75.00 back and said to say sorry to my girlfriend.

Mountain American Credit Union sound like a good credit union?

posted on Feb 14, 2011 2:24 PM ()


My son had such an ordeal at that bank too. He too has now switched to a credit union.
comment by anacoana on May 28, 2011 6:05 PM ()
Good luck.
comment by solitaire on Feb 20, 2011 6:24 AM ()
OMG! I think I'll just keep my fortune stashed in the mattress.
comment by nittineedles on Feb 14, 2011 11:41 PM ()
haha, thats a good idea
reply by meranda on Feb 15, 2011 6:59 AM ()
Good for you sticking with it until you got them to be of some help. I think credit unions have more personalized service and charge fewer fees than the big banks. Good luck getting it all changed over. And Happy Valentine's Day to you and your girlfriend.
comment by troutbend on Feb 14, 2011 8:51 PM ()
Thanks! We had a blast!
reply by meranda on Feb 15, 2011 6:52 AM ()
Credit Union are the best bet.I have just joined one years ago and dropped most of the others.Go for it.
State credit union are fine and they will protect you.
comment by fredo on Feb 14, 2011 3:34 PM ()
I have been telling myself to do it for years but I'm a terrible procrastinator. Not this time though...
reply by meranda on Feb 15, 2011 6:52 AM ()

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