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Many Sides Of G

Life & Events > Better, Stronger, Okay

Better, Stronger, Okay

I feel better and stronger today. Hooray for these evenings!
I did give myself quite a panic attack today though. I got to work and realized I didn't have my purse and therefore couldn't go run my errands during my lunch break (as per my usual schedule that replaces my old napping schedule). So I spent my whole extended lunch of 1.5 hours traveling to the mobile home and then back to Mom's in desperate search of my pocket book. The more I looked, the more panicked I got. I have close to everything I own in my purse right now! The bill of sale of my mobile home, both my check books, cash and my prescriptions. My girl was a lifesaver after school when she told me exactly where she had seen it in the mobile home last night. It was still there safe and sound.
On the way home from school today, Riss told me that the guidance counselor had spoke to her in regards to how she was doing with the separation. She said her counselor had remarked how positive she seemed about it and I got a chance to really talk to her. She said straight out that she really thinks this is the best thing for our family. She said she sees Daddy more in a quality time way because before he used to be in the garage working all the time and now he spends time with them personally. And she said that I seem happier. How wise she is for 11. She has sure been making this process easier on me. My little angel.
Kev got a smiley today! Yea!!
We went to Target and I bought them each new, inexpensive scooters to have fun riding around in the park. This is a big treat for them because we only had a gravel driveway and lived on a highway-no place to walk or ride. Plus Kev has school mates living across from us so he's so occupied and loving it. He wanted to stay tonight and I said "We have no tv's or beds!" lol and he say "So!! I don't care!" lol
I'm thankful they're both so happy and adjusting so well.
The house looks soooo cute and comfy already. I've done amazing things in just the past 2 nights. I hung pictures and decorations tonight along with sweeping, mopping and taking care of clothes in our dresser drawers. My sis got to come over tonight and couldn't beleive how great it looked. She helped me do some decorating. It was nice. Her husband stopped over for the first time too. My husband came to light my pilot on the hot water heater for me so thankfully I now have warm water to clean with. I just need to have someone pick up my bed from my friends house and put Marissa's bed together. Then hopefully Kev's futon will be delivered as promised tomorrow and we'll be in! We will have cable and internet on Monday though so I really hate to "stay" there before that. I have this feeling the kids are going to be wanting to stay though.
I found out another one of Rissa's friends parents are divorcing today and it is a Mom that I really like. We talked about getting the girls together and her and I chatting about things. She had lost a lot of weight and said that it was a difficult divorce. I felt bad for her, but at the same time wondered why stress can't have that affect on my weight?? She was already a thin woman and I desperately need to lose some weight, start exercising and get my blood pressure and cholesterol in control

posted on Mar 27, 2008 7:30 PM ()


Glad your kids are adjusting so well! Your daughter is a smart cookie.
comment by turftoe331 on Mar 28, 2008 4:06 PM ()
What a gem your daughter is indeed! Very insightful young girl, Gwen.I'm so glad to read that you had a positive evening...I'm hoping that you have many, many more as things die down a bit and you're given a chance to settle into this new phase in your life.
comment by janetk on Mar 28, 2008 8:09 AM ()
the kids seem to be doing just fine, I know that puts your mind at ease alot. I am sure they will talk you into staying at the new home, even without tv. its an adventure for them. have a great friday!
comment by elkhound on Mar 28, 2008 7:12 AM ()
Iam with ya on the wondering of why I can't be effected (THINNER) from stress in my life. Wouldn't' that be nice?
Sounds like things are going well for ya though so I am happy for you!
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 28, 2008 7:06 AM ()
Gwen, I am happy for you that your life seems to be turning a corner into a more positive place. You know you made the right decision.
comment by gapeach on Mar 28, 2008 3:30 AM ()
comment by pecan on Mar 27, 2008 8:45 PM ()
Gwen, don't feel bad. I had the flue and a stomach bug at the same time and gained a pound! figure that out.
comment by pecan on Mar 27, 2008 8:28 PM ()

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