It was 77 degrees today! I got all my errands done before 10:30 in the morning (quite a feat for a girl who HATES errands). Then I completely and totally enjoyed the sunshine and weather. I painted the front porch in a nice, fresh white and I painted about half of the back porch before I ran out of paint.
Then it gets better! I took a shower and both kids were out and about with different relatives of ours. So I....took a wonderful afternoon nap with the dogs while the fan circled a beautiful breeze. It was absolutely divine! Yea for happy endings!
Tonight we went for dinner and to Target to get some clearance items that we needed. And a birthday gift for a party Riss is going to on Saturday so we wouldn't have to go out tomorrow if we didn't want to.
I have to be up early for the propane company tomorrow morning. That's going to be an ouch to have to fill 200 gallons! Tomorrow A leaves on his trip. You all had such great things to say when I was feeling so bad last night.
I don't know what I'd do without you and I hope I never have to!