Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > Relationships > Where Are You Christmas

Where Are You Christmas

I had a friend tell me yesterday, Christmas isn't about the money and gifts, at least it shouldn't be. I had a bad day yesterday at work. It was a super busy weekend, lines everywhere. I had a few people cuss me out. Because I was closing my line to go to lunch. I think they lost the Christmas spirit and what a disheartening feeling it was. Not only because this woman had harsh words for me, but she also had children with her. She was setting a fine example let me tell you. As soon as I could get free I went in search of my friend John. Immediately he knew something was wrong. I wasn't smiling or joking with him. He asked what was wrong. I almost couldn't talk, the tears were that close to pouring out. I told him I have alot on my mind and rude people yelling at me sure didn't help. He sat down next to me, put his arm around my shoulder and was just being my friend. John has a big heart and if he sees someone is upset or down, it is his mission to lift your spirits.
Once again I have allowed my kindness to be taken advantage of. I won't go into details, I feel I can't anymore on my blog. I don't like this feeling and I don't like being walked on. It gets kind of painful after a while. I am choosing to not say anything, I just let it sit inside of me. I fear I will let it bubble inside until it can stand it no more and comes exploding out. It's happened before. I am quite disappointed that someone so close to me chooses to behave this way. No its not hubby. He is still my guiding light, my comfort zone. He and Kota came into the store yesterday afternoon. What a treat! I was really busy but I still managed to get a hug from my little guy.
Yesterday I told John, I will be glad when Christmas is over. Then I did cry, because I never feel that way. If I am not blogging much, it is only because I have so much on my mind and I don't feel comfortable blogging about it.
But life goes on, Christmas will come. I will be ready and Kota will be happy with what Santa brings him. I will enjoy being with my hubby watching movies, creating new memories. I will try to not let the selfishness of one person bring me down. Just let me have this moment to be sad.

posted on Dec 15, 2008 6:11 AM ()


Shoppers can get wrapped up in their need to get checked out quickly and run out of patience and then take it out on the cashiers, when it has nothing to do with you
comment by stiva on Dec 22, 2008 10:40 AM ()
Don't let anyone crush your warm kind spirit Mary. Everyone gets down at times and sometime Christmas can be bittersweet. I hope you find the joy in the love of your wonderful family and have a beautiful holiday season.
comment by shesaidwhat on Dec 16, 2008 2:22 PM ()
Hmmm. Why do I get the idea that your work is not the source of your sadness? I hope you will find a moment of pure joy and relish in it.
comment by mzscarlett on Dec 16, 2008 7:17 AM ()
It's so hard when customers that are grumpy come in and take it out on the cashiers. I dealt with many customers like that yesterday and it is really draining and exhausting on the emotions. I'm so sorry that you are struggling. If you need to talk, you can email me. I'm here for you. You are special Mary. Please know that. I hope tomorrow is better for you.
comment by hopefields on Dec 16, 2008 1:15 AM ()
That's horrible when customers take their frustrations out on everyone else around them. As for the other stuff that has been bumming you out lately, I'm very sorry and hope things change for you soon. *hugs*
comment by mellowdee on Dec 15, 2008 8:40 PM ()
To me, Christmas sucks! It's nothing but stress, work, and dealing with the relatives you spend all year avoiding. But it has some "positive" sides. The economy gets a boost. You feel good cause you finally bought your cousin something (she will love that new soap dish).. it can be a "cheery" time.. Now onto the rest:

Mary, to me (and this is just an opinion) your problem is that you are "TOO NICE"! You have known me a very long time.. I call all as I see! I won't suggest you don't be nice (not my point - always be nice).. but my word of caution is this: You make yourself look too easy to "step on". Like a carpet.. if it looks "clean and pristine" a person takes their shoes off. If not, they step all over it and don't really care.

Many people in the world will "prey" on people they feel weak. I don't think you are weak Mary.. but you come off that way at times. Too NICE for your own good at times... The people that do are generally those that feel insecure with themselves..

So to sum this up.. MARY YOU ARE ONE OF THE BEST (MOST CARING) PEOPLE I EVER MET! I LUV YA!! But also.. you need to get a "Backbone"! You can't let people walk over you just because your nice. Be NICE, but show your STRONG too.. and people will respect ya....

comment by coincutter on Dec 15, 2008 5:45 PM ()
You know that you are loved and that is the best gift of all.
comment by grumpy on Dec 15, 2008 3:28 PM ()
It's too bad that there are those out there who will take advantage. Like Cindy said, don't let anyone steal your joy. You have so much good going on in your life so keep focusing on that. I understand about not feeling comfortable blogging about certain things that go on. Write what you want, or don't write at all. Your friends here love you and care about you and want only the best for you.
comment by busymichmom on Dec 15, 2008 3:21 PM ()
Christmas is one of those holidays that brings out the best of people and the worst of them at the same time. Don't let those Scrooges get you down. They have lost the spirit.
I hope things get a little better.
comment by lunarhunk on Dec 15, 2008 11:40 AM ()
let it all out mary we are all here for you. threw the good and the bad. i know this is true i have had the good and the bad and you are all still here for me. ((((hugs)))) butterfly
comment by butterfly1969 on Dec 15, 2008 11:36 AM ()
Not only there,but drivers out there are getting very rude.
I noticed this every years.They are not in the spirit.
Think that they are more pissed off about everything.
So,be safe,take a deep breath and enjoy your lunch hour.
They can suck it up.
comment by fredo on Dec 15, 2008 10:53 AM ()
retail is the hardest work imaginable - because of the people - they can make or break your day.
I hope whoever is not treating you right changes their ways soon... {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 15, 2008 8:59 AM ()
Keeping it in doesn't do anyone good--you have to let it out--an old trick I learned--get into a car--roll up the windows and just yell your heart out--let the anger go--it works and you will feel a lot better after.
comment by greatmartin on Dec 15, 2008 8:22 AM ()
OH Mare.... you meet a Scrooge. Remember what happened to Scrooge? Keep your heart open, don't let Scrooge be a "joy-stealer". Merry Christmas MaryMacMareMare
comment by cindy on Dec 15, 2008 7:19 AM ()
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 15, 2008 6:48 AM ()
comment by marta on Dec 15, 2008 6:21 AM ()
comment by hobbie on Dec 15, 2008 6:21 AM ()

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