As to the medicine, I got my flu shot yesterday at Walgreens. Let me tell you that this year it packs a wallop. I started aching within a couple of hours and my head felt wonkey. By the time I finished grocery shopping,
it was time to pick up Adrienne and Ashley. Erika came
home with Adrienne but they were doing intellectual things
and no trouble at all. Ted has some kind of virus so he
wasn't able to pacify Ashley, Ellie had a meeting after
school and didn't get home until six. The weather man
said to get the plants you wanted to save in so I had to
do that. I just stuffed Ashley with three little Debbie
Christmas tree cakes and passed out Diet Dr. Pepper. All
this time my head was pounding and my joints were protesting.
Ted has had fever for three days and won't go to the Dr.
I got the living room masked off and painted all by myself.
There is so much molding that the masking is the worst part.
It was compounded by the fact that I got masking tape instead of painter's tape. By the time I was through, all
thoughts of us doing the family room were gone. We are
going to have to get Lane to do it. I can handle the
bedrooms but there is no way I can climb up and do those
ten foot walls. I will mask what I can reach and that way
he can get done a little faster.
Last night after the flu shot had done me in, all I wanted
to do was have a bowl of tomato soup, go to bed and watch
the next four episodes of Boston Legal. Ted wanted the
same thing so we settled in at six thirty and forgot our misery watching all that courtroom drama.
Today it is all over. My advice is to plan nothing when
you get your flu shot. This year's potion is bad news for
a few hours.