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Southwestern Woman

Entertainment > Hoarding and TV

Hoarding and TV

I have watched a few of the hoarding shows, but no more.
When I saw the one about the woman who threw her adult diapers
in the corner and had dead cats under the debris, I swore
never again. I understand that some have psychological needs
and compulsions but some are just plain lazy.

It so happens that I have a couple of friends who hoard. Both
of them are sweet, kind women. If it is necessary to borrow
something, they usually have it and are delighted to loan it
to you. I, on the other hand, have a desire for order.

It does not pain me to give unused and unworn items to charity. I do hang on to my clothes a long time. I am
amused to find 40's clothing styles are back. The latest
Harper's Bazaar featured them. Bobby and I watched an old
movie about the Ziegfield follies and the clothes were
fantastic. Unbelievably beautiful gowns and costumes.

Have you ever wondered about all the fantastic finds that
HGTV makes when they are decorating. I certainly have never
found anything in thrift and secondhand stores to measure
up to the gorgeous antiques they "find". I grew up with
shabby and we didn't ever know it was chic to have peeling
paint on our furniture. I guess it all boils down to what
turns you on.

posted on Jan 26, 2012 5:05 AM ()


I agree! I don't know where these people find "antiques". All I ever see is "worn-out" and "ugly." Maybe I just don't have an imagination. I have actually been in a couple of homes of hoarders. It is sad, unsanitary, and really frightening. I have no desire to watch it on televison.
comment by redimpala on Feb 1, 2012 7:48 AM ()
I had shirtwaist dresses and gored skirts in the 50s. The resale shops where people find really good things are generally in expensive areas. The resale shops near me do not have antiques. More old stuff than vintage.
comment by boots586 on Jan 28, 2012 3:07 PM ()
I have trouble getting clothing with short enough arms. My pants always have
to be shortened, even if I get a petite. We just didn't get tall enough. Your jacket is a classic.
comment by elderjane on Jan 27, 2012 11:51 AM ()
I know those hoarding shows would love to do the story about the woman here in Las Vegas who mysteriously disappeared for a couple of months, and then her husband saw one of her shoes sticking out from under a pile of her hoard that had fallen on her, shades of The Wizard of Oz.
comment by troutbend on Jan 26, 2012 6:57 PM ()
She was dead under there for two or three months. They thought she'd wandered away from home and people were searching for her in the vacant lots, and then they thought someone saw her walking and kidnapped her. And then they gave up. Her husband finally went into that little house in the yard where she kept a bunch of her stuff, and saw her shoe sticking out.
reply by troutbend on Jan 27, 2012 12:29 PM ()
Oh how horrible. I have to wonder how long she had been dead.
reply by elderjane on Jan 27, 2012 11:09 AM ()
I hoard yarn and knitting needles. Today I started my spinning wheel hoard.
comment by nittineedles on Jan 26, 2012 11:18 AM ()
Did you get your new wheel? No wonder you hoard yarn, you make such pretty
reply by elderjane on Jan 27, 2012 11:10 AM ()
Guess that we are on borderline.
comment by fredo on Jan 26, 2012 8:55 AM ()
Just stay on the border. Don't go over board.
reply by elderjane on Jan 27, 2012 11:11 AM ()
Hoarder? I think that pretty much describes me. I have wanted to start emptying the house for years but don't get any further than thinking about it.
comment by dragonflyby on Jan 26, 2012 7:54 AM ()
I have seen pictures of your home. No way does it resemble what you see on
those shows.
reply by elderjane on Jan 27, 2012 11:13 AM ()
Hoarders all could use psychological help. Some folks aren't really hoarders. Some just put off making decisions about disposing of stuff they are using, and they have the luxury of space to store things. Others are just overwhelmed by the task of organizing their lives. I have a lot of sympathy for them. As I embark of the tasks of downsizing and moving into a smaller space, I am faced with many choices and options and decisions. I am so grateful I can take my time.
Regarding "fantastic finds," I was watching the Nate Berkus Show and he had redecorated a small space ingeniously, repurposing items in multifaceted ways. It was really remarkable. I tend to want to use what I have, but there are limits. Gave me hope that I can find new ways to do things. Very inspiring!
comment by marta on Jan 26, 2012 7:09 AM ()
I love thrift stores and second h and shops and bargain hunting so I have
to be very strict with myself. I do think people have an anal-retentive
streak and Obsessive-Compulsive disorder when they can't discard boxes and
old papers and magazines.
reply by elderjane on Jan 27, 2012 11:16 AM ()
40's fashion? How cool to know that... Thanks!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 26, 2012 6:47 AM ()
The shirt waist dress, the gored skirts and most of the uglier clothes are
what chic women are wearing. I even saw bobby sox with high heels in the
Bazaar. That is sooo tacky.
reply by elderjane on Jan 27, 2012 11:18 AM ()
I heard some time ago that if you haven't used *it* in a year, *it* needs to go. Makes sense. I do hold on to nuts and bolts and screws and things that do come in handy, although too often I can't find what I need when I need it or I don't realize that I have it. Then a month later I come across it. Twice I downsized when women moved in and once when me and the ex bought the motel and had a much smaller living space than the house we left, but I too prefer order.
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 26, 2012 6:38 AM ()
Years ago, I got Ted a Thousand and One box which contained screws and
washers. He has used out of it and then replaced the stuff in it. We are
lucky to have a room just for him.
reply by elderjane on Jan 27, 2012 11:20 AM ()
Despite two exes that cleaned me out, I still have plenty of junk! They took the good stuff.
comment by solitaire on Jan 26, 2012 6:28 AM ()
I always took the good stuff but I still had to start over 4 times.
reply by elderjane on Jan 27, 2012 11:21 AM ()
I cleared out my house at the start of my divorce so the only things left belonged to me. I got used to the extra space and have tried to keep it that way when I moved to Ohio. The only things I hoard now are cats and kitty toys. LOL
comment by jondude on Jan 26, 2012 6:09 AM ()
My family all hoards cats. My cousin had l5 and my grandmother had 22. I
can't even have one because Adrienne is allergic to is my daughter,
reply by elderjane on Jan 27, 2012 11:23 AM ()
I am a hoarder mostly because if you let anything go long enough, it is a major effort to clean it out. Cloths in the 40s? I was a teen -- I didn't own designer stuff. I was a fashion nothing. Sometimes the only items I can find that fit are in resale stores because I am a 5 junior petite. Good luck with that one. I did get a used Salvation Army jacket, very fine, that fits like a dream -- must have been custom tailored. I like that it looks military, and wear it with jeans.
comment by tealstar on Jan 26, 2012 5:36 AM ()

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