I have watched a few of the hoarding shows, but no more.
When I saw the one about the woman who threw her adult diapers
in the corner and had dead cats under the debris, I swore
never again. I understand that some have psychological needs
and compulsions but some are just plain lazy.
It so happens that I have a couple of friends who hoard. Both
of them are sweet, kind women. If it is necessary to borrow
something, they usually have it and are delighted to loan it
to you. I, on the other hand, have a desire for order.
It does not pain me to give unused and unworn items to charity. I do hang on to my clothes a long time. I am
amused to find 40's clothing styles are back. The latest
Harper's Bazaar featured them. Bobby and I watched an old
movie about the Ziegfield follies and the clothes were
fantastic. Unbelievably beautiful gowns and costumes.
Have you ever wondered about all the fantastic finds that
HGTV makes when they are decorating. I certainly have never
found anything in thrift and secondhand stores to measure
up to the gorgeous antiques they "find". I grew up with
shabby and we didn't ever know it was chic to have peeling
paint on our furniture. I guess it all boils down to what
turns you on.