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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > Home is a Castle

Home is a Castle

I was happy to see that national news picked up the story
about the 18 year old widow, with a 3 month old baby who
shot the man who tore down her door. I hate violence but she
did what she had to do to protect her baby and herself. At
first they thought he had been stalking her but now they
believe the men were after drugs. Her husband, who died of
cancer on Christmas day had been on heavy medication.

It might make the criminal element think twice before they
tried home invasions. There have been a lot of cases in
Oklahoma recently and in several of these, the intruder has
been shot. Sadly, some of them were juveniles used by older
men to do their dirty work.

Donations have poured in to this girl because she was brave
and had already had enough tragedy for a life time. I am
sure a lot of people will disagree but I applaud her for
doing what she had to do to protect the baby and herself.

posted on Jan 5, 2012 6:54 AM ()


Wow! I read this and thought I left a comment. I applaud that mother and regret the emotional trauma she will live with as a result of shooting the intruder.
comment by dragonflyby on Jan 19, 2012 5:39 PM ()
It makes me sick that in england if we did that WE would go to jail for murder I believe everyone has the right to defend themself and there loved ones I have guns in my home for hunting and wouldnt think twice about shooting or threatening someone who broke into my home but if I did that I would have to go to jail its totally crazy.
comment by janeway4eva on Jan 6, 2012 11:09 AM ()
I think the law should be changed.
reply by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 4:26 PM ()
This young girl did exactly the right thing...called 911 and then protected her baby and herself. I also applaud her.
comment by redimpala on Jan 6, 2012 6:24 AM ()
True, very true.
reply by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 4:27 PM ()
Without the shooting, this story (of a widow with baby) would have gone unnoticed. She deserves every dollar she'll get. I bet she gets a lot of suiters, too.
comment by solitaire on Jan 6, 2012 6:15 AM ()
A security company gave her a state of the art security system with a panic
button that goes to the police. She was very fearful after the incident.
reply by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 4:28 PM ()
This young woman had incredible presence of mind to call the police and bravely think her way through this horrible situation. I applaud her. I also heard that the other break-in accomplice has been charged with the murder of his fellow amoral thug. As an accomplice to the break-in, as the felony murder law is written, he is justifiably liable for everything that happened. I hope this brave woman get the support she needs. I feel so sorry for her loss of her husband.
comment by marta on Jan 5, 2012 5:34 PM ()
She behaved well under pressure and and I thought her actions were totally
justifiable. I hope she gets lots of help. That other thug should get the book thrown at him.
reply by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 4:32 PM ()
I only saw this for the first time on Nightly News a few minutes ago (Thursday 7pm). But gun ownership is why we have a low crime rate here in the Catskills. I'm aware of all the bleeding-heart bull$hit about "maybe they'll reform some day", but even tho we aren't exactly rednecks, I wouldn't hesitate to dispose of a lowlife who causes nothing but trouble for society. She did good!
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 5, 2012 4:26 PM ()
A lot of women who are alone are buying guns. They have some pink ones for
sale. We have a security system and a gun and we lock up at night. If that
makes us red necks so be it.
reply by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 4:35 PM ()
I was warmed by the outpouring of generosity by the community. May their tribe increase. I thought the dispatcher's advice to her was very apropos.
comment by jerms on Jan 5, 2012 3:59 PM ()
I am sure you are aware of how protective you must be when you have an
innocent baby to look after. By the way, I appreciated the Christmas card
and Sofia is a raving beauty.
reply by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 4:37 PM ()
I had never thought about someone being vulnerable to home invasion because they had cancer. Criminals think of everything. My neighbor was being treated for leukemia with a prescription that cost $20,000 a dose. It was delivered to his house by Fed Ex. Those thugs would love to get that for resale to some uninsured person.
comment by troutbend on Jan 5, 2012 11:06 AM ()
How low can pond scum go! Targeting a person's widow because she might still
have good drugs!!One evil person is gone and the other is going to get what
he deserves.
reply by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 4:39 PM ()
she was on the money.You will see her more on the talk show I believe.
comment by fredo on Jan 5, 2012 10:09 AM ()
She seems like a shy little thing. Maybe she can't resist being on a talk
show. We will see.
reply by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 4:41 PM ()
Very brave of her -- not many of us are quick enough to save ourselves from something like that. There are home invasions in Naples, south of here. I am worried they will discover our community, so now I lock everything. There was a time when the whole island was on an open door policy.
comment by tealstar on Jan 5, 2012 9:28 AM ()
Be careful. We increased the locks on our doors to the porch. I am entirely
too trusting but Ted is not.
reply by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 4:45 PM ()
Oh I couldn't agree more. It BURNS me when burglars turn around and sue for injuries.
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 5, 2012 7:11 AM ()
That gets to me too. They deserve whatever they get.
reply by elderjane on Jan 7, 2012 4:47 PM ()

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