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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > Bits and Pieces

Bits and Pieces

Did you know that there was a dress code for visiting prisons? There was a piece in the paper Sunday telling you what you could and could not wear. Nothing on the head rather than a hat, A certain kind of shoes, neat and pressed
clothing etc. I can just envision significant others and
mothers and fathers worrying over correct attire to wear in

Two of our appliances decided to bite the dust during the
holidays. The gas cook top has developed a short and two of the knobs disentigrated as well as the ignitors quitting
on us. Then one of the furnaces went out. Both are covered
under our home warranty but we hate messing with repair
persons. One furnace is still operating so we aren't cold.

Yesterday, we decided to forget duty and watch The Last
Picture Show again. Afterwards we were cleaning up and
Bobby called and wanted to take us to see True Grit. The guys thought the Duke was a better Rooster Cogburn but I
liked Jeff Bridges better. The l4 year old girl almost
stole the show. It was doubly interesting to me because
it took place in the Choctaw Nation which was located in
Eastern Oklahoma. Ted oversalted the giant popcorn which
made it inedible to anyone but him. Just as well though.
The Choctaw and Cherokee tribes both had slaves and I worked with a Choctaw special Ed teacher who still kept up
with the African American descendants. She was a dead
eye shootist and she took a lot of game to them. There
were a lot of wild goats in the area. She was a very colorful character and I loved making home visits with her.
It was fascinating and the area was in the mountains.

posted on Jan 4, 2011 8:31 AM ()


Well, okay. If you say this version of True Grit is good, I'll put it on my list. I didn't like the John Wayne version because I didn't think the acting was very good.
comment by troutbend on Jan 6, 2011 10:11 PM ()
I loved that movie"The Ships of Fools"what ever happened to that French actress?
comment by fredo on Jan 6, 2011 10:33 AM ()
The way some people dress these days I understand why a prison would have a dress code. Some women walk around almost completely exposed and the thing that some guys do- wearing their pants low enough to expose the crack of their butts and underwear with the crotch down by their knees is disgusting. I will have to be sure to see True Grit. Well, I will probably wait until it is available on Netflix.
comment by dragonflyby on Jan 6, 2011 9:04 AM ()
There is too much open space for one furnace or one air conditioner to be adequate. This is wonderful when you have an outage and I bless the former
owner who had it done. Are you all better from the partay.
comment by elderjane on Jan 6, 2011 6:39 AM ()
My library does have DVDs. I even have a player! But, and this is a big but, I simply do not like movies. I don't have a particular reason--just many reasons. The last movie I watched (and from the library) was "The Bobby Darin Story" with Kevin Spacey. I mostly liked it, but that's because I liked both Bobby and Kevin. (And I've met Sandra Dee's mother, but that's another story.) Hope you have a productive day--at least fun!
comment by solitaire on Jan 6, 2011 6:35 AM ()
You answered my question about library movies. I like live theater better
but love a good movie too.
reply by elderjane on Jan 6, 2011 6:42 AM ()
Won't see the new True Grit, but I read the book and saw the original. Not much of a John Wayne fan, but that's just me. Hope all appliances are in working order now.
comment by solitaire on Jan 5, 2011 6:09 AM ()
Does your library have movie checkouts. We watch a lot of oldies but goodies from there. Last night it was Ship of Fools.
reply by elderjane on Jan 6, 2011 6:20 AM ()
they do a body search at our prisons -so i'm told-- then our low security prisons do not have walls where they catch people throwing contraband over the wire fence into the gardens.
The air con in the camper gave up the ghost on the last day we were out in December, had it looked at when we got home and it was the moulded 3 pin plug that had failed --cut the cord --new plug and voila its working --big sigh of relief. The 3 way fridge stopped working before we left had to replace it cost $1230, you wonder at times is it worth having a camper --cost last year fridge $1230---roof top $2200 (ins repair) new engine $7500, now i gotta live longer to get my monies worth
comment by kevinhere on Jan 4, 2011 10:06 PM ()
Ted and I have talked over the pros and cons of motor homes. What I would
really like is a small airstream trailer but it puts the cost of camping
over the top. They are going for about 20,000 here and we have decided it
is easier and cheaper to take road trips via the car.
reply by elderjane on Jan 6, 2011 6:24 AM ()
We also have two furnace.One for each side of the house.
We bring our own popcorn.Do not like the theater.Too much salt and butter.
comment by fredo on Jan 4, 2011 11:50 AM ()
I can't eat a lot of salt. It tends to elevate my blood pressure and I like lots of butter if I am going to have popcorn. It is nice to have
two furnaces and two air conditioners because when one breaks you don't
get too uncomfortable.
reply by elderjane on Jan 6, 2011 6:27 AM ()
Movie theatere microwave popcorn is a favorite lunch of mine. It fills me up and I don't need to snack before dinner. True Grit is one of the few John Wayne movies I like. His younger characters were, for me, moralistic and chauvinist. I haven't seen Jeff Bridges but I am willing to like him as much or more than the Duke. In that whole family, I liked Lloyd Bridges. Saw him in the NYC subway way once, asked him what he was doing there. He just laughed. One of his last roles was playing Ted Danson's father in the romantic farce, Cousins.
comment by tealstar on Jan 4, 2011 11:07 AM ()
The men in the family made me feel like I had committed heresy when I said
Jeff Bridges was better than John Wayne. Jeff Bridges was crustier and
nastier and meaner than the Duke.
reply by elderjane on Jan 6, 2011 6:31 AM ()
I wondered if Jeff Bridges could fill John Wayne's shoes. He is so associated with that roll, since it was his final one and also prophetic.
comment by timetraveler on Jan 4, 2011 10:53 AM ()
Gather up the grandkids and go see it. They will probably love it and
the scenery is so authentic. Bobby and I both thought it was Poteau Ok.
reply by elderjane on Jan 6, 2011 6:33 AM ()
I really want to see "True Grit"..If anyone can fill John Waynes shoes it'd be Jeff Bridges. After all the proof is in the genetics
comment by redwolftimes on Jan 4, 2011 10:45 AM ()
Jeff Bridges made the role his own and in my opinion is a far better
Rooster Cogburn. Go see it by all means
reply by elderjane on Jan 6, 2011 6:35 AM ()
Ugs... sorry about the appliances! Why do you have two furnaces though? I am glad ya do! mmmm movie theater popcorn! Next time you control the toppings!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 4, 2011 10:38 AM ()
I goofed, your reply is above.
reply by elderjane on Jan 6, 2011 6:42 AM ()

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