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Wicked End Of The Stick

Life & Events > What I Do All Night Long ...

What I Do All Night Long ...

Oh how the dreams have continued. The night before last I had a dream about the man. He was leaving me for some teenage girl. I don't really want to talk about it, but I must say I kicked a lot of ass and it got me nowhere. The dream ended with me swearing up a storm and being thrown out of the mans parents house.

I woke up went to the bathroom and went right back into another dream. This time I was on a ship. There was some sort of storm and my childhood elderly neighbors were on board with their daughter. I wanted them to fall overboard and well they did. I can not tell you the joy I felt watching them tumble into the sea.

At one point the mother was able to reach up and grab my hand. I told her I would pull her up, but she said she needed to save her daughter and so I let go of her. Do you have any idea how sick I felt when I woke up, for the simple fact I enjoyed watching them wash out to sea.

Last night I was a little scared to fall asleep. I did not know what I was going to dream up next. Well after reading for a bit I feel fast asleep.

Enter last night's dream I was walking around a huge rectangle pool of the most beautiful water. It was about as big as a football field. There were various people walking around the pool. No one was talking just walking and thinking. Everything looked like clean stone.

I recognized some of the strangers in the dream as fellow thinkers I had seen there walking before. I stopped walking and sat at some steps over looking the water. There was a man that came and sat next to me. He was one of the people I had seen before, but had never spoken to. He said hello to me and we began to talk.

The sun was going down and the man put his arms around me and held me. He embraced me and was telling some sort of secrets and telling me everything is fine. At one point he kissed my forehead. I felt so good in his arms. It was not a romantic or sexual good, but comfort good. It felt almost like an angel was holding me. (funny note: he looked like Darrel from the show The Office, he works in the warehouse. see pic below.)

The end of the dream gets all jumbled up I just know for sure there were some very scary nuns that made me panic.

Well thats whats been going on when I sleep. Needless to say it is much more interesting than my waking hours. The most interesting thing that has really happen is that I fear I swallowed a slug. Ugh don't ask.

posted on Mar 31, 2008 9:36 PM ()


You sure have a wonderful dream life.
comment by elderjane on Apr 6, 2008 7:42 AM ()
You swallowed a slug?
comment by elfie33 on Apr 5, 2008 12:11 PM ()
I wanna hear about the slug!
comment by janetk on Apr 3, 2008 5:34 PM ()
"Sleep..Those little shards of death. How I loathe them." A quote by Edgar Allan Poe. Dreams can feel weird. Keep writing them down. Stephen King made millions off his dreams.
comment by draco on Apr 3, 2008 8:08 AM ()
Life has always been a dream within a dream...I kinda like those worlds
comment by strider333 on Apr 2, 2008 8:41 PM ()
I have heard that vivid dreams are a sign you have to go to the bathroom. Pee and quit that weird dreaming girl. You must wake up exhausted! My daughter almost ate a slug once... you are in good company and better tell that story~
comment by frogfenatic on Apr 1, 2008 10:44 PM ()
Did you know that every person at some point in his life swallows an insect while sleeping? Maybe that is the problem!! You're eating insects while you sleep!Don't take me too seriously!! I have a vivid imagination!
comment by redimpala on Apr 1, 2008 1:18 PM ()
I think you're going to have to change your "handle" (To Dreamgirl or something). What's the matter with escargot?
comment by solitaire on Apr 1, 2008 12:35 PM ()
Slug are you serious.
comment by fredo on Apr 1, 2008 10:30 AM ()
Those are quite the interesting dreams. Fear of swallowing a slug... did you not wash your lettuce properly.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 1, 2008 9:47 AM ()
Oh no, a slug! Gross!!! I rarely dream and it's probably a good thing since you are having such vivid ones! Hubby dreamed last night that we were sitting on a mountain with a monastery in the background--weird!
comment by angiedw on Apr 1, 2008 8:52 AM ()
a slug??? EIW!!!
I wish that was the dream part...
Ihad a great dream last night. It really sucked when I woke up...
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 1, 2008 7:35 AM ()
Isn't it fun when you can remember your dreams? Like movies every night, really good movies because not only are you enjoying the plot, but have the opportunity to puzzle over what they mean in the context of your life.
comment by troutbend on Mar 31, 2008 9:57 PM ()

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