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Wicked End Of The Stick

Life & Events > Who You Calling a Know it All?

Who You Calling a Know it All?

It has felt like a life time since I have written anything. I have not had a moment alone in I don't know how long. I can't write with these fools breathing down my neck.

I love my family, but for the love of God can I have a moment? They are gone right now, but for how long? I am hoping they decided to take the long way to the store and come back via Egypt.

My car got broken into twice in one week. First the wise guys try to pull my broken stereo with out success. They then decided to bash the hell out of it and leave. They were back two nights later and took apart my dash to take the already broken and now bashed stereo. They did a great job! Nothing was torn apart, and the screws were left on the floorboards. Not only did they do the work of a pro, but somehow they managed to fix my broken turn signals. Bless them.

I have been working a lot. It is so not like me. I have now been mistaken for a loyal hard working dependable long term employee. I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone.

Work is sucking the life out of me, but I have heard all kinds of gossip. People feel free to spill the beans to me. I don't repeat so people come and ask for advice our want to share a laugh. The funny thing is so many people talk to me that I usually get both sides of the story and then try to piece together what really happen.

It is strange to see many perceptions of one event or even one person. We all jump to conclusions. I am as guilty as the next witch. I will think I am so right just to find out I am so wrong. Good thing it usually takes me a while to give an opinion, well I am getting better at it.

Only one of my co workers told me a little something and then quickly said "You better not write that in your blog!" I wonder does that mean the rest are fair game. The last blogger from my town that spread gossip on the web ended up on the front page of the city paper for weeks.

Well that’s it for the rambling. My mind is just too packed full it is the best that I can do.

Wait I had this dream: I was at some sort of city counsel meeting and there was some farmer talking about how the American farmer is so poor. He said that people think about the people in Africa being hungry and no one ever conceders the hungry farmers.

I stood up and said "Excuse me sir, I understand what you are saying, but did you know that the American farmer and the people of Africa are the most similar cultural groups in the world?"

He and the crowd looked at me like I was a Genius! The farmer said "I never really thought of it that way." Then there was a standing ovation for my fantastic insight. I took a bow then sat down. As soon as my buns hit the chair, I thought "Is that even true?"

The clapping and looks of approval continued and I sat there feeling sick that I did not know why I said that or if it was a valid point. All I could think about was how dumb am I going to look when they find out I made that up. I woke up and immediately woke up the man.

I told him about my nightmare and he said that sounds just like you. I was like what the hell? He said “Did you know?” is the one thing I say at least one time a day right before relaying some fact to just about everyone I talk to.

That day I started listening to myself as I dropped a fact at the day care, then at work and even to some lady at the grocery store. I am now trying to curb the “Did you know?” Habit I have. Really who cares? If they don’t know they won’t find out from me. I am a know it all? I wonder what they say at work? lol...

posted on May 24, 2008 8:10 PM ()


Did you know that I THOROUGHLY ENJOYED this post??!!
comment by hayduke on June 6, 2008 9:14 AM ()
Glad to know you are still having quirky dreams and that #### happens to other people too. Glad to know that good things do come out of bad (turn signal now works). Hope the pregnancy is going well. I must say... I'm intrigued about the co worker now! Thanks a lot!
comment by frogfenatic on June 4, 2008 9:35 PM ()
Probably because that makes them eligible for the "Dumb Crook of the Year Award" There are so many candidates every year, it's a wonder they ever pick a winner. People who are desperate for drug money think they can sell ANYthing they steal. Sometimes they can. It's a weird world. Sorry to hear about it.
comment by thestephymore on June 4, 2008 2:23 AM ()
That's horrible about your car being broken into.
Did You Know that dreams can provide us with wonderfu insights about ourselves when we pay attention to them?
comment by mellowdee on May 30, 2008 11:36 AM ()
Maybe, just maybe, you DO know it all! Glad you're back with us--even if it's only temporary. I've missed your dreams!
comment by solitaire on May 27, 2008 12:42 PM ()
Hate to hear that about your car..that sucks. How the the baby bump doing?
comment by elfie33 on May 26, 2008 7:50 AM ()
So sorry about the car; but they did at least fix the turn signals. Must have a spot of good in them somewhere!
comment by redimpala on May 25, 2008 3:46 PM ()
Do you know who cares what other people's more important what you believe....
comment by strider333 on May 24, 2008 10:15 PM ()
Canadian car thieves are just as stupid. All they got from my vehicle was a stack of children's cassette tapes and a cloth grocery bag full of more cloth grocery bags.
comment by nittineedles on May 24, 2008 8:59 PM ()

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