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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Boring > Xmas Aftermath

Xmas Aftermath

I am happy that Christmas programming has stopped. TV viewing will soon be bearable once more if not enlightening. Ed is under a lot of strain because he programs himself to do stuff and is then exhausted. I keep reminding him he is a volunteer and that he is retired but some people have to overwork.

I can’t volunteer too because there is only one car and this area has no public transportation. When people do see a bus, they stop and stare in awe. That’s okay because I like not having “shoulds” and “ought to’s” in my life. Of course there are the daily obligations but everything else is “been there, done that”.

Debby-to-whom-one cannot-say-no recruited me into the “Hookers” – a macramé group that evolved into a help organization. I told her I’d pay my dues but not to count on me for volunteering. And so has been the case. I came down here from NYC, tired and over-extended. I haven’t gotten over that yet. And, as I’ve written before, I can’t even manage the once-a-week 3-hour art class on Saturdays any more. It is amazing how losing three hours out of the week can mess one up. Also, I do not feel I am learning anything. The art I did years ago is still inside of me. What is needed is constant drawing to get any of it back and that I can do on my own and, apparently, I don’t want to.

I managed to walk and do my ballet routine today. It has been too cold for outdoor exercises but today was mild, in the 70s. With any luck, I’ll shed the 3 lbs. I gained while eating out.

The New Year’s Eve party we went to was pleasant, about 15 people or so, nice, new house relatively near us but in an area that has only recently been developed. We cruised through it about three years ago and got lost in the marked out plots. There were no landmarks, no houses, and we couldn’t find our way back to a marked road. Of course, eventually, we did.

We left about 9 and came home to give Brunswick his epilepsy med and then I crashed, and didn’t even watch the ball come down in Times Square. Apparently the New Year came in, but I wasn’t helping. I feel sure someone will let me know if this actually did not happen.

There is a new bridge being built from the mainland to our island. It is going up right next to the old bridge. The lanes of the old bridge have been narrowed and using them is a strain (well, nerve wracking comes to mind) but it’s the only route off and on. I am in constant fear that I will scrape the concrete divider that has been erected. When it is done there will be a jog to get on to the new bridge and one to get off and the old bridge will be demolished. This will go on for at least two years. Bummer.

I was watching “Pretty Woman” and came in to write these thoughts and Ed came out and got something else. Okay, it’s a fairy tale anyway but I was in the mood for one. Isn’t it a reach that a transformation from streetwalker to impressive lady can take place in a matter of weeks?

Xx, Teal

posted on Jan 2, 2011 5:04 PM ()


Sometimes a good escapist movie like Pretty Woman is just what I need.
comment by redimpala on Jan 4, 2011 11:33 AM ()
Monday was the last day 0f the holiday and I am glad.
comment by elderjane on Jan 4, 2011 8:09 AM ()
It's really tempting to buy a house down there, what with the bargains. But alas, I have enough to handle here. Plus insurance and taxes would be killers. I'll just have to be happy with renting a place for a couple of weeks.
comment by solitaire on Jan 4, 2011 6:25 AM ()
Are there still lots of houses for sale in your community? And I'm with Jon--I refuse to buy certain products as a result of their excessive advertising. For what they spend on ads, they could save on cost.
comment by solitaire on Jan 3, 2011 7:12 AM ()
I think the market is slowly climbing. Ed estimates there are 40 or so houses for sale here, most on canals (direct Gulf access--15 minutes at most). A couple of bargains to be had. There's a two-story, 3-4,000 feet, built three years ago on a double lot going for $550 on a short sale --it is one house away from the point on the pass side of the island. (We are on the bay side.) Ed says it's a steal.
reply by tealstar on Jan 3, 2011 7:22 AM ()
As of last night (here) the TV was still running Christmas-themed commercials, mostly auto dealers. I will NEVER buy a Hyundai, just because of their incessant holiday commercial that never changed.
comment by jondude on Jan 3, 2011 6:36 AM ()
I just told someone that if they think retiring means laying around all day and doing nothing forget it--I don't know how I found time to work before I retired!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 2, 2011 9:22 PM ()
Same here. But at least it's my stuff that I can't get to and not the company's. My boss used to ask how come I could be late when I said I got up at 6 a.m. and I answered, "because it's my time and I use it."
reply by tealstar on Jan 3, 2011 6:00 AM ()
built a new bridge near here --the old one was left while that was happening took 15 months , the old one has been left as it makes a good fishing jetty just shut the ends to traffic
we had a party new years eve with early bbq and i ate too much just had time for a quick nap -- then back into it again
comment by kevinhere on Jan 2, 2011 8:25 PM ()
The old bridge is a drawbridge and so is the new one, so definitely the old one will go. The nickname for the old bridge is "The fishingest bridge in the world." I am assuming people will go back to fishing in that spot. Happy New Year to ya.
reply by tealstar on Jan 3, 2011 6:04 AM ()
I thoroughly enjoyed PBS this holiday season, especially the L.A. Philharmonic's concert and New Year's Eve at Lincoln Center. Glorious!

Glad the New Year is bringing you some warmer weather. I know you like to exercise outdoors. I recall some years ago watching over a number of years the building of the huge (then) new Tampa Bay bridge during visits to see my ex-inlaws. That gave me the driving yips!
comment by marta on Jan 2, 2011 5:30 PM ()
P.S. I'd love to exercise indoors if I had a wooden floor that "gives" and a railing with right angles for stretches and arm lifts. The pier has both. I could get a ballet barre -- I'd have to get two for the angles -- set up on the pool deck -- it wouldn't look great -- and would cost at least $200, not counting shipping and I'd still be working on pavers not wood. There are wooden floors available but I couldn't leave them outdoors but would have to fold them up and store them somewhere between workouts. All in all, it's daunting. There is the garage but one look at it and you'd run screaming.
reply by tealstar on Jan 3, 2011 6:10 AM ()
I didn't watch any TV in the three weeks before Christmas -- too many guests, too many chores. I didn't walk, I didn't bike. Help. So I missed the good stuff. I did have the news on in the morning and Ed would turn the set on but I never sat still to watch.
reply by tealstar on Jan 3, 2011 6:06 AM ()

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