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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > #$%$#@, Also $$%!$

#$%$#@, Also $$%!$

Just recovering from the most recent malware attack and was off line for about 4-5 days. My “go to” friend, Nadine came over this afternoon and found a way to run restorative programs and we didn’t have to call (and pay for) a computer tech. Things still not totally right because it takes too long to load some things (try 10-15 minutes to get to my side of the Vista program). The malware started as a pop-up “security” program offer. It was, Ed said, a way to get our credit card info, etc. He couldn’t get rid of it and he couldn't get his spyware program to run. Rebooting didn’t help, nothing did. It infected his side of Vista, and then migrated to my side. Each time we restarted the computer there were more problems. We finally just shut down and were going to call a computer tech when Nadine came to the rescue.

Ed and I are somewhat wrung out from too many guests – a week with Joan, a friend from New York, and it was the very same week I prepared for the boat parade party (without boats – we had the wrong date). But the party went well and guests had, they said, a great time.

Joan left and that same night Lila and Terry came for one night and then we had lunch with them at the Hyatt in Estero the next day. It’s an elaborate resort and not at all homey. They have a half dozen swimming pools loosely interconnected and interspersed with patios and greenery. I was not offended by these luxuries. We ate in a 5-sided room off to one side, all glass and looking out onto a large pond with a fountain in the middle. I am capable of living a happy, simple life. I would also be happy at the Hyatt.
We went to a Christmas day open house at Stan’s – he’s the art teacher. Ed amused himself by dissecting the origins of Christianity with several of the devout. He is very knowledgeable in this area. He seems to remember every word of every history book he has ever read. (He deplores my lack of knowledge about same. What, me worry?) They were stunned. I love to see Ed smile. Then we came home and I made dinner. We were expecting my friend John, who was alone, except for Buster, the doggie dog, but he wasn’t feeling well and canceled out, so it was just the two of us and that was fine.

On the Monday after Christmas, we went to the airport and picked up Dennis and Henne, Ed’s long-time friends. They live in Baltimore, but were coming in from Atlanta, where it had been very cold. They got more of the same here. We had lunches and dinners out for three days. It was too cold to do much else, so eating was it. They left yesterday. I had no time to work out and Dennis kept ordering 2 or more desserts at each meal that we should all share so I gained three pounds. As disciplined as I am, I do it by not tempting myself. It’s asking a lot to place Death by Chocolate and a key lime pie under my nose and expect me to ignore them.

Today we had lunch with friends, Nadine and Mickey, and Toni and her husband, Ted, and I forced myself to order a green salad with shrimp and no wine, while watching everyone else eat fettuccini and Philly cheese steak and the like. I feel so overfed I am thinking of wearing a mu mu. Nadine came over right after and did her thing with our computer. Bless her techie heart.

Tomorrow night we are going to a New Year’s Eve party – it won’t be anything wild, I am sure. After that, it’s zero socializing for a while and I am happy about that. I never thought I’d say I was sick of eating out.

Happy new year to all you wonderful friends on MyBloggers.

ooxxooxx, Teal

posted on Dec 30, 2010 7:35 PM ()


What a busy bee you (and Ed) have been. I worried about my computer the other day when it acted up. I sent it to the "time out" corner to think about its misbehavior. It seemed to work.
comment by solitaire on Jan 1, 2011 6:33 AM ()
I think that you must be all partied out which sounds great to me.
I hope you have fun tonight and that 20ll will be wonderful for you.
comment by elderjane on Dec 31, 2010 4:53 PM ()
You are so busy entertaining and such. Sorry about the malware. Never ever click on a link sent to you by email, unless you are certain the person who sent it to you checked it out first. I don't even save or open those movie or sound files people send me, such as PPS, MWV or other files. They get deleted the second the appear in my emails.
comment by jondude on Dec 31, 2010 3:22 AM ()
no I don't click on a lot of stuff and I delete all unknown e mails as spam. But Ed said McAfee was outdated and not working for a few days and that must have been when this stuff invaded.
reply by tealstar on Jan 3, 2011 12:57 PM ()
Wow, what a week! More proof that Vista is only fit for the bottom of a digital birdcage. Ugh. So sorry. Wishing the Three Kings would bring you dears a Mac.

Sending you love and smiles to light up your New Year!
comment by marta on Dec 30, 2010 10:36 PM ()
Hi Ms. M, yes, happy to veg out on New Year's Day. Also happy to have "my" bathroom back. When we bought our new PC, I suggested we think about a Mac, but Ed was agin' it, wanting to stay with the familiar. Then we had to get a tech to give us a tutorial because Vista is so user unfriendly. I swear all these techies in the computer companies program for each other, forgetting there are customers out there who don't know what they are talking about. Happy New Year dear.
reply by tealstar on Jan 1, 2011 6:46 AM ()
After all that social whirl, I know how grateful you'll be for quiet time to get back to your routine. I blame all those Microsoft 'security updates' for making our PCs act up.
comment by troutbend on Dec 30, 2010 7:59 PM ()

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