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Teal's Modest Adventures

Politics & Legal > The Right Keeps Trying

The Right Keeps Trying

I am outraged that the Republicans have claimed the Constitution as their own private Bible and are wasting legislative time reciting it on the House floor, taking turns, and skipping the parts they don’t like because they don’t fit their agenda.

Rachel Maddow in her show on MSNBC said that in their first hours of being the majority party, Republicans have reversed themselves on their NEW NEW “open” rules for legislation and said new legislation would not be open after all. The list goes on, but I wasn’t making notes.

On another right wing issue, Maddow addressed religious indoctrination in the military because it has escalated to an alarming degree. Military personnel in the thousands are being asked to answer questionnaires concerning their “spirituality”. Although the questionnaire does not mention religion, respondents who do not give the “right” answers are put into counseling consisting of attending church and praying. Moreover, Catholics and Protestants and anyone adhering to a spiritual focus or belief that is not Fundamentalist Evangelism, let alone atheists and free thinkers, must also get counseling and be guided.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is mounting a lawsuit against this quackery.

I remember a saying (not the exact quote but close enough) that evil wins when good men do nothing. Okay, ignore the gender gaff that excludes the rest of the human race, I do believe those who follow enlightened religious and ethical views have been asleep at the switch and that fundamentalist nut jobs are fast becoming the dominant force in the country.

On a totally other issue, years ago in my first week in New York, I had a dream and awoke from it in a cold sweat. I was 24 and had dreamed I was 30! Oh no, not that! Gasp, choke. Is anyone else laughing hysterically at this oh so distant memory?

xx Teal

posted on Jan 6, 2011 9:03 PM ()


Makes me sick. Given the horrific event on Saturday in Arizona, may more of the passive masses rise up and reject the extremism and vitriol.

Cherish the moment!
comment by marta on Jan 9, 2011 6:11 PM ()
The bane of the ultra-anythings has always been that at the peak of their popularity they step on their own tails (and other appendages) and the people begin to see their real colors.
comment by jondude on Jan 7, 2011 9:06 AM ()
I am still bummed out that they filmed Sarah Palin's Alaska. Is there any
thing that woman won't do it get attention? After yesterday's right wing
rant from Lynn, Ted and I just were just left in shock. She wants to kill everyone who dis agrees with her.
comment by elderjane on Jan 7, 2011 8:32 AM ()
Recent news item was that Sarah's latest book was bombing. Rejoice. Also she's got (not that it's a blessing) some major competition now from Michelle Bachman. No one knows why Boehner put her on the Intelligence Committee where she will be privy to state secrets. Is that insane or what? Is he courting the tea party? Bah Bachman.
reply by tealstar on Jan 7, 2011 8:41 AM ()
I saw Rachel's show. I don't know why I watch it--I always get angry (at the far right and fundamentalists, etc.). I just like that she calls them out. Somebody has to.
comment by solitaire on Jan 7, 2011 7:00 AM ()
I enjoyed reading this post. (don't understand it due to me not knowing about U.S.A. politics), but enjoyed your writing all the same
comment by tracy on Jan 7, 2011 2:01 AM ()
Hi, thanks for stopping by and kind words. Happy New Year.
reply by tealstar on Jan 7, 2011 6:25 AM ()
I hope all those who voted these people in are puking their guts out right about now...

Happy New Year Teal!!!!
comment by aussiegirl on Jan 7, 2011 12:00 AM ()
Hey, she's out of the woodwork. Hope to see more of you. Happy New Year, dear one.
reply by tealstar on Jan 7, 2011 6:26 AM ()
I think it is about time we fed them to the lions again.
comment by jondude on Jan 6, 2011 11:13 PM ()
What have you got against lions? I don't have enough material to make as many dartboards as this calls for. But have you heard that Palin's latest book is bombing? Do you think my voodoo had anything to do with it?
reply by tealstar on Jan 7, 2011 6:27 AM ()
I'll second that motion!!!
reply by aussiegirl on Jan 7, 2011 12:01 AM ()
Funny about the dream. I was thinking today of back several years ago when I was a little bit stiff, and I thought 'Oh my, getting old is very tough, a person's joints get stiff.' That was nothing to how stiff they can get these days. Young people really don't know how good they've got it.
comment by troutbend on Jan 6, 2011 10:18 PM ()
Yeah, complaining is futile. Seize the moment.
reply by tealstar on Jan 7, 2011 6:28 AM ()

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