Apr 14, 2023
Things on my mind tonight. ...
Aug 19, 2022
Logging in here after 6 years has been an eye opener. What was going on with my life at that time. Whoa! If I knew then what I know now. Life has had its ups and downs these last few years. So many pe...
Aug 6, 2016
My head has been in turmoil lately. So many things to consider. Not knowing which way to turn, therefore getting more and more depressed, and doing nothing. Had less pressure on me today, and I feel b...
July 30, 2016
At the moment there are 6 of us in the house. Me, 19yr old, 12 yr old two dogs and a cat. Yet there is no noise. Not a sound. It is so abnormal. ...
July 28, 2016
So we have had a diagnosis for #2nd son. It's not Aspergers like #1 son, but "Classic" Autism. This explains so much. It means I have to change my life to make things easier. So it's lists, time table...
Jan 30, 2016
I'm about to meet up with someone I have not spoken to in 25 years. This person has had a privileged upbringing, and is leading a life of luxury compared to me. I wipe the bottoms of old people for a ...
Apr 14, 2014
My first day at the new job went really well. The boys are planning lots of exciting things for us to do. I am working in the village I grew up in, and it is lovely to see the familiar views aga...
Apr 13, 2014
It's been a long time since I have been here.Tomorrow I am starting a new job. I'm feeling a little apprehensive!...
Sept 3, 2013
Hello all. It's been a long time since I blogged .Things have changed a lot over the past months. I would like to start posting and reading again. I no longer want to veg out in front of the TV. So I ...
Feb 23, 2013
Had to get up and go to work today (Saturday). A customer said I was missing sales by not being open on a Saturday, so here I am, and no sign of a sale anywhere...... yet.It was really nice to get up ...
Feb 19, 2013
May be this is a mid life crisis, BUT I WANT MY LIFE BACK!.I used to be so fit, but now I am 115 kg and suffering. I went to see the doctor today and she's referring me to a dietitian. So now I must w...
Feb 11, 2012
Wondering if I've ordered too many flowers.Hope the orders start coming in soon. The Wholesale flower prices have gone through the roof. May be next year I'll take the week off and close up. Feeling s...
Jan 8, 2012
Well after my first post I must say that my second is going to be a little bit happier. Yey! I have decided to employ two florists. The wage cost will be less than I was paying out on my last two staf...
Jan 4, 2012
So here is 2012 and here I am again feeling abused and let down. I have come to the conclusion that It is my fault. I should battle on alone, and not depend on anyone. That however is impossible. I ca...
May 11, 2011
Can't believe I'm writing this. You've messed with my head today babe.I'm a Florist. I deal with death every day of the year. We commiserate, we genuinely sympathize but at the end of the day, as shoc...