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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Boring > My Week So Far

My Week So Far

The new endocrinologist called me personally to say that my blood work that measured much more than the standard test for thyroid problems, came back with normal readings. He had no suggestions to explain my fatigue but agreed with my guess that it has everything to do with coming off of hormone therapy after many years. My body will just have to work things out. Several earlier symtoms have already stopped. Just the fatigue hangs on.

I have good and bad days. Based on optimism, therefore, I cleaned my house over a period of three days, doing a bit each day and vanquishing cat hair, etc., and had my three pals, Nadine, Toni and Sonia, over for lunch two days ago. I served baked salmon and a Greek salad and had bought little taco triangles that one bakes for 14 minutes – they were quite good. We had white wine and Toni brought a small ice cream cake in honor of Nadine’s birthday today. I played two Chopin pieces without major mishap (that’s not so easy any more) and was duly appreciated. The Harp Etude and a nocturne mit fireworks in it. Don’t ask me which one, I keep forgetting.

Ed spent the day elsewhere by design and came back around 3:30 and we all hung out for a while longer before they went off into the early sunset.

But the days following this effort have not been energetic ones. I am taking a supplement that seems to make things better but not consistently so.

I walked today before 9 a.m., for about an hour. It wasn’t blazing hot because of imminent rain, but I did not feel well doing it. I will bike later. What, me worry?

xx, Teal

P.S. Has anyone ever used the chat function on MyBloggers? The couple of times I looked into it, no one was there.

posted on July 11, 2012 12:43 PM ()


I think some fatigue just comes with age. I know I keep dropping off to sleep when I try to read.
comment by redimpala on July 16, 2012 6:25 AM ()
This is more than that. It is a major change in my "normal" dating from the wind-down of hormones after I stopped taking them. I refuse to believe this is who I now am. It is too sudden. But, although my recovery is slow, I do think it's taking place.
reply by tealstar on July 16, 2012 6:45 AM ()
Chopin is one of my favorites. I still dust of Waltz in C# minor from time to time.
comment by jerms on July 15, 2012 2:14 PM ()
I don't remember your mentioning that you played. Never drop it. It's life-affirming.
reply by tealstar on July 16, 2012 6:46 AM ()
I'm honored to have had the pleasure of listening to you play Chopin! Glad to hear you're still "practicing". I'm certainly not a "chatter" (chattee?).
comment by solitaire on July 14, 2012 5:28 AM ()
It is hard to admit that we are getting older. Note the "older"; we are not getting old.
comment by boots586 on July 13, 2012 2:54 PM ()
hey, boots, although I have slowed from my prime, the drop in energy was too draconian to be just aging. I am still, with all my fatigue, way ahead of other 80-year-olds, but still not up to my standard of a year ago. And I aim to get back there.
reply by tealstar on July 16, 2012 6:49 AM ()
I've never liked to chat online because it's suited to very short sentences quickly dashed off, and because the chatters have not met, there is a lot of room for misunderstanding and inanity.
comment by troutbend on July 12, 2012 6:14 AM ()
Thinking about you. I would love to hear you do Chopin.
comment by jondude on July 11, 2012 6:53 PM ()
If I ever get some techie help, I'll post a video. But I don't know anyone who can help me.
reply by tealstar on July 12, 2012 7:21 AM ()
I try and get out about 7 a.m. to walk and I am pretty slow. I used to
do a mile in twenty minutes and in the heat it has been taking 45. The
earlier the better for me. I hate to admit that I am slowing down. No,
I haven't used the chat function. Did you see Romney get booed at the
N.A.A.C.P. meeting? Music to my ears.
comment by elderjane on July 11, 2012 4:57 PM ()
The analysis of Romney's speech, and you can actually detect the false hesitation in that point of his speech, when he is waiting/hoping for the boos, is that he wasn't talking to the audience but showing off for his racist base -- showing them how courageously he was talking to blacks and not giving them what they want. It is typical that instead of using the opportunity to connect, he used it to preen before his base.
reply by tealstar on July 12, 2012 7:17 AM ()
Slow but sure--take your time and take it easy!

I haven't gone to ANY chat rooms for years--I found the few I had gone to were all dominated by 3-4 people and most were a waste of time--I would rather 'chat' via IM or e-mail
comment by greatmartin on July 11, 2012 2:03 PM ()
No, I don't care for that forum any more either. I used to chat very early on, getting used to the medium, but ultimately found it less than satisfying.
I was just curious about this particular function on MyBloggers.
reply by tealstar on July 12, 2012 7:18 AM ()
No a lot of them do not use the chat room.Mostly on Face book. Hope things goes your way soon.
comment by fredo on July 11, 2012 1:59 PM ()

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