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Teal's Modest Adventures

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The Latest

Never home free. At 2 a.m., I got up to chase Max out of the bedroom because he was scratching the sham, hoping to get me to do something, anything. He never knows, so I am always wondering. While up, I heard agitated sounds and saw that Brunswick, who had been sleeping on my legs, was having an epileptic seizure, the first since 2004.

I scooped him up and held him loosely and called out to Ed, who brought a towel over in case he had voided. But he was dry, although his chest was wet from foam. He came out of it about a minute later, and was dazed. I continued to hold him and pet him and finally he wanted to get down and he walked around uncertainly sniffing I don’t know what on the carpet. He whimpered a little. It was Ed’s guess that the med we are giving him, phenobarbitol, was not compounded properly, or the doc called in the wrong dose to the pharmacy.

Anyway, we are taking Brunz to the vet today at 2. I know he will take blood to test for the level and then we’ll have to wait a couple of days to get the results. It’s the best we can do. I am dismayed because I thought we had this particular problem well solved.

Brunz was normal this morning. The only change was he hung around me while I was doing ballet stretches. I am uessing he feels safer when near me.

I have invited Asako, a New York ballet friend, to visit. She and her son, a 15-year-old who is legally blind from radiation given to him when he got cancer as an infant, will come in April. I had E mailed her because her parents live in Tokyo, and I wanted to know how they were doing in the aftermath of recent events. She is divorced from her Italian-born husband whom she met while doing extra work at the Metropolitan Opera where he was a stage hand.

Asako said the boy was so excited at the prospect that he couldn’t sit still. I am guessing he doesn’t have many ways to enjoy himself, so I am going to try really hard to find things he can do. And Susan-my-tailor-lady has two teens who are really great kids and she is happy for them to come over and hang with him.

Meanwhile, my gtf, Nadine, whose sister has just left to return to her home in Canada, after a long stay, told me she plans to sleep for four days. She is next expecting her son and d.i.l. and two children, so she said if I want her to meet my guests she will play it by ear depending on her energy level.

I know the feeling.

xx, Teal

posted on Mar 24, 2011 8:38 AM ()


comment by marta on Mar 26, 2011 7:30 PM ()
Well I'm gonna tell my deepest darkest secret that very few people know, even family members. I have been on Dilantin 38 years, after having had two seizures for which no reason was ever found despite CAT scans and such. In fact, (I don't know if this is true for cats and dogs) in about half of all cases no cause is ever found, the electrical wiring in the brain mis-fires, as the neurologist put it.
So for many many years I've taken this med and no problems whatever, and no mis-fires. I was initially put on phenobarb, too, but all this does is make you sleep. Stopped that.
Maybe Brunz needs something besides phenobarb.
comment by susil on Mar 26, 2011 11:57 AM ()
I am pleased your med is working for you. Epilepsy in cats is rare and treatment starts with guesswork as in maybe this will work. We took Brunz to a kitty neurologist in Sarasota. We were happy he was responsive to pheno and at first the dose was too high and he couldn't manage his legs and slept too much. Cat chemistry is tricky, much more so than in dogs.
reply by tealstar on Mar 26, 2011 2:08 PM ()
Oh, the excitement on Pine Island!
comment by solitaire on Mar 25, 2011 6:49 AM ()
Fur children can't talk and we can only do our best to interpret what they
need. I hope it was the first seizure that he has had since he went on his meds.
comment by elderjane on Mar 25, 2011 5:41 AM ()
Since he was on the defective dose only a week, we are reasonably sure he has had only the one seizure. tnx for good wishes.
reply by tealstar on Mar 27, 2011 3:33 AM ()
Good for Max! Knowing cats he probably wanted something for himself, never mind what Brunswick was up to, but I'm glad he got you up to see what was going on. Does it make you wonder if there have been other seizures you don't know about?
comment by troutbend on Mar 24, 2011 6:08 PM ()
Brunz has only been on the refill about 10 days and this may have been the first seizure unless one happened while we were both out. We'll have blood result tomorrow. Ed thinks an inexperienced worker at the pharmacy mixed it because the regular pharmacist was not in.
reply by tealstar on Mar 24, 2011 8:38 PM ()
Poor Brunswick. I hope it was defective meds.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 24, 2011 5:13 PM ()
for both you and Max.
comment by jondude on Mar 24, 2011 4:53 PM ()
Company!! I love having guests. Sorry about your cat.
comment by jerms on Mar 24, 2011 8:50 AM ()

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