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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > What is That?

What is That?

Through my various sundry and travails I always take things one day at a time. So this morning I almost forgot I had to go for a follow-up mammogram and ultrasound. Result: Duh, what is that? Now I have to go for a needle biopsy. I am pretty laid back but apparently I am also on some level, wondering, and to stave off negative thought I asked Ed to take me to lunch at Bob Evans and drowned my sorrows in a plate of pancakes and sausage.

On our way home we stopped in at Susan-the-tailor-lady and my blazer hasn’t been worked on and she assured me she was now finished with everything else and would start on it next. I said, sure, sure, toy with me. Then I gave Sally, her maltese-pom, my 3rd sausage. Sally loved me even before the treat so now I am her God.

Brunswick’s blood test showed that his phenobarbitol level was down to 14 whereas it should be around 30-31. Something is definitely wrong with the med. The pharmacy doesn’t know if they received a bad batch or if it was their error. They are replacing the bottle for free. They should also pony up the $130 for the test, but we won’t push it. Ed also annoyed that the vet’s assistant said he had called in a new prescription but the pharmacy said no one called so Ed says the assistant is operating on “empty”. He gets pretty worked up but I agree things could have been handled better. The vet has two full time workers, down from a much larger staff because of the downturn in the economy. They are definitely trying to handle too much.

On other matters, I'm trying to get myself to clean out closets and drawers, I could give away tons of stuff I haven't worn in years if I ever get to it. And finally, my sheet music is totally disorganized and I can't find anything. I'm talking weeks, if not months,of sorting. When I start to look for something, I get involved and stop to play something I haven't seen in a while and I never get to the actual work of organizing it all. Foo.

xx, Teal

posted on Mar 25, 2011 8:30 PM ()


Wish you wouldn't talk about food! I have drawers full of old papers, junk, clothes, you name it. But I can't force myself to clean them out. Must be a disease of sorts.
comment by solitaire on Mar 27, 2011 7:26 AM ()
It is a disease and in some it reaches unmanageable proportions and then they don't clean at all and you can't walk from one room to another and one day they keel over and one has to dig them out of piles when they notice the smell.
reply by tealstar on Mar 27, 2011 10:18 AM ()
Hugs for you and Brunswick. I can't blame the tailor too much since I
loathe sewing and can never cope with the finicky sewing machine.
comment by elderjane on Mar 27, 2011 5:21 AM ()
And what I am impressed by is that she actually does this kind of tailoring that requires adjusting the shoulders. This is high end stuff.
reply by tealstar on Mar 27, 2011 10:13 AM ()
Do cats like sausage? Brunswick deserves some, poor little kitty. Glad he's better. And gl with your tests; I don't know why our breasts have to put us through all this trouble.
comment by drmaus on Mar 27, 2011 12:39 AM ()
My 3 cats for some reason do not beg for people food. It will be a while before I eat another sausage. Like a year. I am reasonably cool about upcoming test. I try not to anticipate disaster.
reply by tealstar on Mar 27, 2011 3:29 AM ()
Sending you a supportive hug, dear Teal. Stay positive....
Sending tummy rubs to Brunswick. Makes me want to write my legislators about lousy regulation enforcement for drug manufacturers, who quite literally get away with murder.
My spring cleaning sorting madness has begun. Wish me luck.
comment by marta on Mar 26, 2011 3:05 PM ()
Mmmmm Pancakes and sausages!
I'm glad Brunswick is OK.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 26, 2011 1:05 PM ()
My pharmacy doles out all generic meds except one that I insisted must be the name brand because who knows if the components from one batch of generic med to another is consistent?
Susan the tailor lady sounds like a cousin of mine who was supposed to make a blouse for me five years ago! I bought the pattern, material, thread, zipper the whole kit and kaboodle and every time I ask about it, she puts me off. I said at least give me the pattern back; I love it and looked for it so long. She must have lost the whole schmear and won't admit it.
comment by susil on Mar 26, 2011 11:46 AM ()
The amount Brunswick gets, carefully chosen after trial and error, has to be made up in a suspension. This pharmacy is the ONLY compounding pharmacy within a 100 mile radius, giving new meaning to civilization in SW Florida. So we have to get it made up each time. We still don't know if it was their error or if the phenobarbitol batch they received with which to work was defective. Susan's pretty good but lets herself get pushed around by customers. She leans on my good will because I let her. Anyway, I wasn't really in a rush for the jacket. (And I love her dog.)
reply by tealstar on Mar 26, 2011 2:00 PM ()
Hugs and best of luck with everything. My mother made window drapes for people, and was a horrible procrastinator, maybe something common to seamstresses.
comment by troutbend on Mar 25, 2011 11:02 PM ()

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